Hi All, On behalf of the NumPy team, I am pleased to announce the release of NumPy 1.23.4. NumPy 1.23.4 is a maintenance release that fixes bugs discovered after the 1.23.3 release and keeps the build infrastructure current. The main improvements are fixes for some annotation corner cases, a fix for a long time *nested_iters* memory leak, and a fix of complex vector dot for very large arrays. The Python versions supported for this release are 3.8-3.11. Wheels can be downloaded from PyPI <https://pypi.org/project/numpy/1.23.4>; source archives, release notes, and wheel hashes are available on Github <https://github.com/numpy/numpy/releases/tag/v1.23.4>. Note that the mypy version needs to be 0.981+ if you test using Python 3.10.7, otherwise the typing tests will fail. *Contributors* A total of 8 people contributed to this release. People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time. - Bas van Beek - Charles Harris - Matthew Barber - Matti Picus - Ralf Gommers - Ross Barnowski - Sebastian Berg - Sicheng Zeng + *Pull requests merged* A total of 13 pull requests were merged for this release. - #22368: BUG: Add ``__array_api_version__`` to ``numpy.array_api`` namespace - #22370: MAINT: update sde toolkit to 9.0, fix download link - #22382: BLD: use macos-11 image on azure, macos-1015 is deprecated - #22383: MAINT: random: remove ``get_info`` from "extending with Cython"... - #22384: BUG: Fix complex vector dot with more than NPY_CBLAS_CHUNK elements - #22387: REV: Loosen ``lookfor``'s import try/except again - #22388: TYP,ENH: Mark ``numpy.typing`` protocols as runtime checkable - #22389: TYP,MAINT: Change more overloads to play nice with pyright - #22390: TST,TYP: Bump mypy to 0.981 - #22391: DOC: Update delimiter param description. - #22392: BUG: Memory leaks in numpy.nested_iters - #22413: REL: Prepare for the NumPy 1.23.4 release. - #22424: TST: Fix failing aarch64 wheel builds. Cheers, Charles Harris
participants (1)
Charles R Harris