ftputil 2.5 is now available from http://ftputil.sschwarzer.net/download . Changes since version 2.4.2 --------------------------- - As announced over a year ago [1], the `xreadlines` method for FTP file objects has been removed, and exceptions can no longer be accessed via the `ftputil` namespace. Only use `ftp_error` to access the exceptions. The distribution contains a small tool `find_deprecated_code.py` to scan a directory tree for the deprecated uses. Invoke the program with the `--help` option to see a description. - Upload and download methods now accept a `callback` argument to do things during a transfer. Modification time comparisons in `upload_if_newer` and `download_if_newer` now consider the timestamp precision of the remote file which may lead to some unnecessary transfers. These can be avoided by waiting at least a minute between calls of `upload_if_newer` (or `download_if_newer`) for the same file. See the documentation for details [2]. - The `FTPHost` class got a `keep_alive` method. It should be used carefully though, not routinely. Please read the description [3] in the documentation. - Several bugs were fixed [4-7]. - The source code was restructured. The tests are now in a `test` subdirectory and are no longer part of the release archive. You can still get them via the source repository. Licensing matters have been moved to a common `LICENSE` file. What is ftputil? ---------------- ftputil is a high-level FTP client library for the Python programming language. ftputil implements a virtual file system for accessing FTP servers, that is, it can generate file-like objects for remote files. The library supports many functions similar to those in the os, os.path and shutil modules. ftputil has convenience functions for conditional uploads and downloads, and handles FTP clients and servers in different timezones. Read the documentation at http://ftputil.sschwarzer.net/documentation . License ------- ftputil is Open Source software, released under the revised BSD license (see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php ). [1] http://codespeak.net/pipermail/ftputil/2009q1/000256.html [2] http://ftputil.sschwarzer.net/trac/wiki/Documentation#uploading-and-download... [3] http://ftputil.sschwarzer.net/trac/wiki/Documentation#keep-alive [4] http://ftputil.sschwarzer.net/trac/ticket/44 [5] http://ftputil.sschwarzer.net/trac/ticket/46 [6] http://ftputil.sschwarzer.net/trac/ticket/47 [7] http://ftputil.sschwarzer.net/trac/ticket/51 Stefan
participants (1)
Stefan Schwarzer