Article: Writing CGI Programs in Python

Developer Shed: Writing CGI Programs in Python Aug 27, 1999, 00:10 UTC (0 Talkbacks) [ Thanks to Matt Maxwell for this link. ] "Python is a powerful, free, open source, general purpose, interpreted programming language. Python runs on a wide variety of platforms including Linux..." "Python is roughly comparable to Perl or Java, though it has several significant strengths (and a few disadvantages) over each. Python makes it very easy to write clean, maintainable, and powerful programs for a variety of tasks with minimum hassle." "... an old-time Perl hacker will usually tell you that Perl really shines in one-person 'quickie' jobs that will never have to be maintained by another human being. The combination of Perl's line-noise-like syntax and "There's More Than One Way To Do It" philosophy often results in an unmaintainable mess of a program." "... if you are starting a brand new web application, you should consider Python and its "There Should Be One Obvious Way To Do It" philosophy. "Python has a much cleaner syntax than most languages and object orientation is built right into the core." Complete story: Related Stories: - CNET The Most Elegant Scripting Language You'll Probably Never Use (Aug 22, 1999) - DevShed: Introduction to Zope (Aug 10, 1999) All times are recorded in UTC. Copyright (c)1999 by Linux Today ( Linux Today is a corporate member of Linux International. Original URL: <P><A HREF="">Writing CGI Programs in Python</A> - article at (27-Aug-99) -- ----------- comp.lang.python.announce (moderated) ---------- Article Submission Address: Python Language Home Page: Python Quick Help Index: ------------------------------------------------------------
participants (1)
Markus Fleck