Wrote a simple Python script that makes life a wee bit easier when using py2exe: Also available at http://premshree.resource-locator.com/python/makeExe.py """ makeExe.py - Simple Python script to automate the creation of Python executables using py2exe. (c) 2004 Premshree Pillai (24/01/04) http://www.qiksearch.com/ """ ## Run this file from Python root dir import sys import re fileName = raw_input("Enter file name (rel or abs path, eg., python/file.py): ") package = re.split(":",fileName) package = re.split("/",package[len(package) - 1]) package = re.split(".py",package[len(package) - 1]) package = package[0] fp = open("setup.py","w") temp = """from distutils.core import setup import py2exe setup(name = "%s", scripts = ["%s"], )""" % (package,fileName) fp.write(temp) fp.close() sys.argv.append("py2exe") execfile("setup.py") fp = open("setup.py","w") temp = "" fp.write(temp) fp.close() print "\n", "Executable created!" print "Press <enter> to exit..." if(raw_input()): exit ===== -Premshree [http://www.qiksearch.com/] ________________________________________________________________________ Yahoo! India Mobile: Download the latest polyphonic ringtones. Go to http://in.mobile.yahoo.com
participants (1)
Premshree Pillai