Middleware2003: 16-20 June: Call for Participation
Please see the attached Call for Participation. Our apologies if you receive multiple copies. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ACM/IFIP/USENIX INTERNATIONAL MIDDLEWARE CONFERENCE Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 16-20 June 2003 http://middleware2003.inf.puc-rio.br Come to Rio to participate in the premier event on Middleware research and technology in 2003. Researchers, industrialists, and experts from all over the world will get together to present and discuss the recent advancements in Distributed Object Systems, Internet Technologies, and Middleware Platforms. Following the success of past conferences in this series (Lake District/UK, 1998, Palisades/NY, 2000, and Heidelberg/Germany, 2001), Middleware'2003 will host a very strong technical papers track featuring state of the art research in the field, as well as high-quality advanced workshops and a number of tutorials by technology experts. The conference will also include work-in-progress and posters sessions as well as social events. The location, Rio de Janeiro, is known as one of South AmericaĊ½s most outstanding areas of natural and historical beauty. REGISTRATION ============ Register online until May 15th and receive an early registration discount. For registration information visit http://middleware2003.inf.puc-rio.br/registration.htm TECHNICAL SESSIONS ================== A very strong technical papers track will feature state of the art research in the field (http://middleware2003.inf.puc-rio.br/programstruct.htm). Work-in-progress and Posters sessions will show promising ongoing work and experience reports. TUTORIALS ========= High quality tutorials by industry and university experts http://middleware2003.inf.puc-rio.br/tutorials.htm 1) J2EE vs. .NET Michael Stal Siemens AG, Corporate Technology, Munich, Germany 2) Peer-to-Peer Technologies Vana Kalogeraki University of California, Riverside, California, USA 3) Realization of Distributed Applications using MDA and the CORBA Component Model Marc Born and Tom Ritter Fraunhofer FOKUS, Berlin, Germany Phillipe Merle Unversity of Lille, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France 4) Object-Oriented Middleware and Components for the Grid Denis Caromel University of Nice Sophia Antipolois, France Christian Perez INRIA, France 5) Advanced Publish/Subscribe Services Alexander L. Wolf and Antonio Carzaniga University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA 6) Network and Web Services Security Concepts Using Java Raghavan N. Srinivas Sun Microsystems Inc., USA WORKSHOPS ========= 1) Middleware for Pervasive and Ad-Hoc Computing http://www.smartlab.cis.strath.ac.uk/MPAC/ 2) Reflective and Adaptive Middleware Systems http://tao.doc.wustl.edu/~corsaro/RM2003/ 3) Middleware for Grid Computing http://virtual01.lncc.br/mgc2003 4) Model-driven Approaches to Middleware Applications Development (MAMAD) http://www.dstc.edu.au/mamad-2003/ ORGANIZATION ============ General Chair: Carlos J.P. Lucena (PUC-Rio, Brazil) Program co-Chairs: Douglas Schmidt (Vanderbilt University, USA) Markus Endler (PUC-Rio, Brazil) Local Arrangements co-Chairs: Alexandre Sztajnberg (UERJ, Brazil) Renato Cerqueira (PUC-Rio, Brazil) WiP and Posters Chair: Guruduth S. Banavar (IBM T.J. Watson, USA) Advanced Workshops Chair: Gordon Blair (Lancaster University, UK) Tutorials Chair: Frank Buschmann (Siemens AG, Germany) Publicity co-Chairs: Fabio Costa (UFG, Brazil) Fabio Kon (IME-USP, Brazil) FOR MORE INFORMATION ==================== For further information, please visit the conference home page: http://middleware2003.inf.puc-rio.br If you have any question contact the local arrangements chairs, Alexandre Sztajnberg (alexszt@uerj.br) or Renato Cerqueira (rcerq@inf.puc-rio.br). Middleware'2003 is partially sponsored by Sony and IBM. We hope to see you in Rio in June!
participants (1)
Fabio M. Costa