[ANN]: IronPython 2.6 Release Candidate 2
Hello Python Community, We're pleased to announce the release of IronPython 2.6 Release Candidate 2 which can be freely downloaded at http://ironpython.codeplex.com/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=34451. Since the public availability of Release Candidate 1, we've addressed the following: * The "json" CPython package has been included with our MSI installer * CPython's logging module can be utilized without passing the -X:Frames command-line parameter to ipy.exe * Documentation distributed with the release has been updated * A memory leak in the hosting APIs reported on the mailing list was fixed * Multi-threaded debugging using sys.settrace show now work * Fixed mapping of .NET "Compare" methods to __cmp__ when they return the wrong type * The imp.load_module function now respects the file argument * A bug related to relative module imports has been addressed * Fixed indexing on .NET types defining DefaultMemberAttribute * Several issues involving new-style string formatting have been corrected If no major issues with this release candidate are discovered, we hope to ship the final 2.6 release in a little under a month. Anyone planning on upgrading to 2.6 should try out this release candidate and let us know of any issues you find ASAP. Thanks to everyone in the IronPython Community who reported bugs and provided valuable feedback: Zachc, yamakox, vernondcole, VAks, tscottw, tonyandrewmeyer, tomwright, TomasMatousek, tkamiya, timers, srivatsn, sopeajw, saveenr, sanxiyn, rridge, ronniemaor, quirogaco, pythonfoo, py_sunil, pm100, pl6306, paulfelix, orestis, olegt, oldman, NDHUMuscle, mycall, mmaly, mmacdonaldssfcu, maplpro, luntain, llaske, lbaker, Lawouach, laurionb, laughingboy, kurhan, kuno, kowenswp, klrohe, kevgu, jmesserly, jlunder, jdhardy, jbevain, jackeyoo, hhonisch, gz, gjones, fwereade, deadalusai, daveremy, darb, CurtHagenlocher, chaghi, cgravill, cartman, bobarnso, billchi, atifaziz, ashcor, alvanet, __Helmut__, fuzzyman, fabiofz, Eloff, egonw_, dungen, dsblank, dmajnemer, dinov, and dfugate. We really do appreciate your input which helps to make every release of IronPython better than the last. The IronPython Team
participants (1)
Dave Fugate