We are pleased to announce the release of ATpy 0.9.4! ATpy is a high-level Python package providing a generic Table class that can contain data and meta-data, and includes column manipulation, row selection, and sorting methods. In addition, read and write methods are provided to to seamlessly read and write table data to a number of formats, building on existing Python modules. More information and links to download the latest version of ATpy can be found at http://atpy.sourceforge.net/ The main changes in this version are: - support for reading and writing HDF5 files via the h5py package, including support for reading/writing to groups. For more information, see http://atpy.sourceforge.net/format_hdf5.html - support for reading arbitrary ASCII tables via the asciitable package, which includes pre-defined formats such as Machine Readable Tables, RDB tables, and DAOPhot tables. For more information, see http://atpy.sourceforge.net/format_ascii.html - reading in of large FITS tables has been sped up by a factor of 10-20x - minor improvements and bug fixes Bug reports and feature requests should be submitted to the Sourceforge trackers at: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=259666 Please do not hesitate to let us know if you encounter any problems with this release, Cheers, Thomas Robitaille and Eli Bressert
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Astronomical Python