I believe it's become necessary to discontinue the pymssql project.
Pymssql is a dbapi2 drive for Microsoft SQL server.
Full Announcement: https://github.com/pymssql/pymssql/issues/668
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to pymssql over the years.
Unfortunately, I believe it's time to discontinue pymssql. It provides
an incredible amount of utility to those of us that need to connect to
MSSQL from Python. But, as a project, it has failed to attract enough
interest/talent/funding to maintain it.
Why discontinue it and not let someone else maintain it? We've tried
over the years. See #516
<https://github.com/pymssql/pymssql/issues/516>. We have got a few
people drop by to help occasionally, but nothing sustained enough to
feel like transfer of the project was warranted.
I had always hoped my consulting business would be able to help
maintain the library for clients that use it. But there is too much
work here for us to tackle that doesn't really benefit our client's
usage and we transitioned to PyODBC earlier this year.
I'm also concerned that if I simply abandon the project a bad actor
could gain control and start installing nasty stuff on what I am sure
is a lot of corporate servers.
It's my hope that by discontinuing this project better solutions will
be developed and/or adopted to take it's place.
Other Related Issues
* Proposal to discontinue pymssql in favor of pyodbc #477
* Maintainers Needed - Apply Within #516
* Finding grants/funding for pymssql development #621
* pyodbc <https://github.com/mkleehammer/pyodbc>: Microsoft backed
o But see: https://github.com/level12/sqlalchemy_pyodbc_mssql
* ctds <https://github.com/zillow/ctds>: by Zillow
Interested in Taking Over?
Just fork pymssql and start your own project. Gain momentum, show
progress, and I'd be happy to link to your project from here.
Next Steps
I'm going to leave this issue open for suggestions on how best to
deprecate/discontinue pymssql as a project. I'm sure there will be
some who will suddenly be very interested in helping. I won't be
considering those requests at this point. If you want to help, see
above about forking.
At the end of November, 2019 I'm going to Archive this GH repository
which will make it read-only.
I'll also need to figure out how to deprecate packages on PyPI so that
people installing know the project is being discontinued.
*Randy Syring*
Husband | Father | Redeemed Sinner
/"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world
and forfeit his soul?" (Mark 8:36 ESV)/