Fnorb 1.01 - A Python CORBA ORB

Announcing the release of version 1.01 of 'Fnorb' a Python CORBA ORB. This is a minor release, intended to fix two outstanding problems. 1) corrected IOR unmarshalling. This error had caused many people to have problems using Fnorb with Visibroker's naming service. 2) added handling of memory allocation errors during unmarshalling. Get more details and download Fnorb from:- http://www.dstc.edu.au/Fnorb c/o The Fnorb Development Team ---- From the Fnorb README ---- What is Fnorb? Fnorb is a CORBA 2.0 ORB written in Python (with just the eensiest-teensiest bit of C code for marshalling and parsing ;^). Python is a mature, interpreted, object-oriented programming language with powerful high-level datatypes that make it ideally suited as a scripting language for CORBA. Best of all Python is free so check it out! Like ILU from Xerox PARC, Fnorb gives the Python programmer access to the wonderful world of CORBA. It supports all CORBA 2.0 datatypes (including Any's) and provides a full implementation of IIOP. Unlike ILU, Fnorb is Python and CORBA/IDL specific which makes it simple, light-weight, and easy to install and use. Using Fnorb, you no longer have to use <insert your least favourite language here - who said C++ ;^)> to write CORBA clients and servers - you can now use, yep you guessed it, Python! This makes Fnorb ideal for prototyping complex CORBA architectures, for use as a scripting tool, and for building test harnesses for all your CORBA development projects. The Python language mapping used by Fnorb is based on the 'living' document that is being prepared by members of the DO-SIG. One goal of Fnorb is to allow the Python community to experiment with the mapping before we attempt to set it in stone via the OMG standardisation process. == __________________________________________________________ Derek Thomson derek@dstc.com DSTC Pty Ltd http://dstc.com University of Qld, 4072 tel +61 7 3365 4310 AUSTRALIA fax +61 7 3365 4311 http://dstc.com/Fnorb <P><A HREF="http://www.dstc.edu.au/Fnorb/">Fnorb 1.01</A> - a CORBA 2.0 ORB for Python written mostly in Python (bug fix release). (17-May-99) -- ----------- comp.lang.python.announce (moderated) ---------- Article Submission Address: python-announce@python.org Python Language Home Page: http://www.python.org/ Python Quick Help Index: http://www.python.org/Help.html ------------------------------------------------------------
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Derek Thomson