ANN: ConfigObj 4.1.0 and Validate 0.2.1

**ConfigObj 4.1.0** and **Validate 0.2.1** are now available. {sm;:-)} ConfigObj and validate have both had moderately big updates. **What are they ?** `ConfigObj <>`_ is a simple but powerful config file reader and writer: an *ini file round tripper*. Its main feature is that it is very easy to use, with a straightforward programmer's interface and a simple syntax for config files. It supportes nested sections, preserves the order of keys and sections, list values, multiple line values, etc. `validate <>`_ integrates with ConfigObj (but can also be used standalone) to check that values meet a certain specification. This can be used to validate a config file, *and* convert values to the expected type. **What Has Changed?** Configobj: Added a ``merge`` method. This allows easy merging together of several config files (e.g. merging user values on top of a default one). A new ``flatten_errors`` function to turn the resutls dictionary from ``validate`` into a flat list of errors. Added merge, a recursive update. Added preserve_errors to validate and the flatten_errors example function. Thanks to Matthew Brett for suggestions and helping me iron out bugs. Fixed bug where a config file is all comment, the comment will now be initial_comment rather than final_comment. Validation no longer done on the 'DEFAULT' section (only in the root level). This allows interpolation in configspecs. Also use the new list syntax in validate 0.2.1. (For configspecs). Validate: A new list syntax for checks. Fixed bug so we can handle keyword argument values with commas. We now use a list constructor for passing list values to keyword arguments (including default) : :: default=list("val", "val", "val")
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