updated Python bindings for grace http://www.its.caltech.edu/~mmckerns/software.html # Version 0.4: 03/02/09 migrated Numeric dependency to Numpy added license text installs with setuptools, if available more gentle install & dependency failure --- Mike McKerns California Institute of Technology http://www.its.caltech.edu/~mmckerns

updated Python bindings for ITT's IDL http://www.its.caltech.edu/~mmckerns/software.html # Version 0.7c1: 03/05/09 added support for idl_7.0 installs with setuptools, if available more gentle install & dependency failure slight change in license NOTE: The new install script tries to guess defaults for your IDL installation if environment variables are not set. I haven't tested the default path settings for installation on Windows and Mac. Feedback is appreciated... --- Mike McKerns California Institute of Technology http://www.its.caltech.edu/~mmckerns

updated Python bindings for ITT's IDL http://www.its.caltech.edu/~mmckerns/software.html # Version 0.7c2: 03/06/09 added support for idl_7.0 installs with setuptools, if available more gentle install & dependency failure sensible path defaults for linux and mac slight change in license NOTE: I haven't tested the default path settings for installation on Windows. Feedback is appreciated... --- Mike McKerns California Institute of Technology http://www.its.caltech.edu/~mmckerns
participants (1)
Michael McKerns