Thanks, Senthil and Victor! With you help I've got the worker building successfully :)
In the end I did have to increase the available disk space (to 30GB) and RAM (to 3GB).
- Tal Einat
On Fri, Jan 10, 2020 at 4:53 AM Senthil Kumaran <senthil@uthcode.com> wrote:
I have not tried, but I see here https://github.com/python/buildmaster-config/blob/master/master/custom/facto... that if you set BUILDBOT_TESTOPTS envar in your agent, it will be given to
make buildbottest
Please if see this is suitable?On Thu, Jan 9, 2020 at 9:57 AM Tal Einat <taleinat@gmail.com> wrote:
I must be missing something. How do I configure the worker to pass flags to regrtest??
On Thu, Jan 9, 2020 at 7:39 PM Senthil Kumaran <senthil@uthcode.com> wrote:
Hi Tal,
If it's not worth the effort in your opinion, we could also just drop this a worker from the fleet...
You could try the options that Viktor suggested.
If you still encounter instability. Please share the configuration of your worker/agent. I will see if I can bring an equivalent agent to replace yours.
Thanks, Senthil
On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 5:55 AM Victor Stinner <vstinner@python.org> wrote:
There is the "-u" option of regrtest to disable "largefile" or "cpu" resources for example. About memory, there is the -M option. But I'm not sure that tests using up to 500 MB are flagged using @bigmem decorator which uses the -M option.
0.5 GB of memory sounds quite small.
Le mar. 7 janv. 2020 à 14:49, Tal Einat <taleinat@gmail.com> a écrit :
I've been trying to bring my worker ("einat-ubuntu") back online, but apparently it requires more disk space and RAM than I can throw at it
Is there are way to configure it to not run the tests that require more than a few GB of disk space and 0.5GB RAM?
If it's not worth the effort in your opinion, we could also just drop
by this
worker from the fleet...
- Tal Einat
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