Results for project python/master, build date: 2017-12-29 03:03:56-08:00. - commit: e325608 - previous commit: 531dd7e - revision date: 2017-12-28 23:24:40-08:00 - environment: Broadwell-EP - cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2699 v4 @ 2.20GHz 2x22 cores, stepping 1, LLC 55 MB - mem: 128 GB - os: Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS - kernel: 4.4.0-62-generic x86_64 GNU/Linux Baseline results were generated using release v3.6.0, with hash 5c4568a from 2016-12-22 23:38:47+00:00. +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | | |relative|change since|change since|current rev | | | benchmark|std_dev*| last run | baseline |run with PGO| +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | 2to3| 1.095% | +1.615% | +7.213% | +7.126% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | call_method| 0.604% | -0.079% | +23.728% | +9.367% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | call_method_slots| 1.817% | +0.146% | +25.534% | +4.980% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | call_method_unknown| 1.046% | -0.314% | +22.935% | +7.907% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | call_simple| 3.059% | -0.160% | +8.631% | +9.215% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | chameleon| 1.300% | +0.336% | +9.651% | +13.793% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | chaos| 0.819% | +0.061% | +5.705% | +10.983% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | crypto_pyaes| 0.595% | +0.205% | -1.638% | +9.368% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | deltablue| 2.746% | +0.352% | +10.712% | +14.661% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | django_template| 1.297% | -0.742% | +12.110% | +15.067% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | dulwich_log| 1.247% | -0.021% | +3.764% | +7.901% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | fannkuch| 0.573% | -0.053% | +5.270% | +4.439% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | float| 0.727% | +0.894% | +1.952% | +6.033% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | genshi_text| 1.027% | -0.172% | +12.822% | +10.568% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | genshi_xml| 1.198% | -0.526% | +8.808% | +10.690% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | go| 0.885% | +0.227% | +6.307% | +9.599% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | hexiom| 0.512% | +0.114% | +10.244% | +10.741% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | html5lib| 3.204% | -0.632% | +6.773% | +9.246% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | json_dumps| 1.160% | +0.358% | +3.702% | +8.373% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | json_loads| 1.289% | +0.225% | +0.174% | +12.734% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | logging_format| 1.390% | -0.886% | +6.188% | +12.669% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | logging_silent| 2.664% | +0.678% | +46.781% | +13.070% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | logging_simple| 1.848% | -0.707% | +6.494% | +14.858% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | mako| 0.801% | +0.202% | +16.669% | +11.837% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | mdp| 4.374% | +0.055% | +10.769% | +8.965% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | meteor_contest| 3.534% | +0.067% | +5.112% | +4.621% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | nbody| 0.636% | +0.065% | -0.656% | -3.768% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | nqueens| 1.900% | +0.136% | +4.355% | +7.598% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | pathlib| 1.081% | -0.398% | +2.789% | +11.552% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | pickle| 4.335% | -0.520% | +0.348% | +21.615% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | pickle_dict| 0.612% | -0.228% | -0.621% | +23.883% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | pickle_list| 0.821% | +0.019% | +2.598% | +21.242% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | pickle_pure_python| 3.639% | -0.561% | +10.241% | +10.595% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | pidigits| 0.220% | -0.051% | +0.033% | +9.805% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | python_startup| 0.155% | -0.068% | +10.470% | +5.402% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | python_startup_no_site| 0.114% | +0.020% | +1.973% | +5.281% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | raytrace| 1.105% | +0.219% | +9.827% | +11.455% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | regex_compile| 4.363% | +0.793% | +6.001% | +9.442% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | regex_dna| 0.309% | +0.113% | -2.268% | +11.512% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | regex_effbot| 2.999% | +0.056% | -6.304% | +7.167% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | regex_v8| 1.479% | +0.110% | +4.443% | +9.675% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | richards| 1.680% | -0.477% | +7.892% | +14.757% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | scimark_fft| 0.804% | -0.185% | -2.485% | +3.068% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | scimark_lu| 1.714% | -0.215% | +26.984% | +7.575% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | scimark_monte_carlo| 1.887% | +0.508% | +4.502% | +2.725% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | scimark_sor| 0.773% | +0.306% | +14.285% | +6.156% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | scimark_sparse_mat_mult| 0.876% | -0.211% | -3.643% | -4.259% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | spectral_norm| 0.498% | -0.115% | +5.438% | +2.880% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | sqlalchemy_declarative| 1.236% | -0.059% | +6.540% | +5.889% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | sqlalchemy_imperative| 3.639% | -0.970% | +5.860% | +3.119% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | sqlite_synth| 4.822% | +2.196% | +20.130% | +8.135% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | sympy_expand| 2.070% | -0.147% | +12.036% | +6.033% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | sympy_integrate| 2.065% | +0.172% | +9.077% | +6.338% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | sympy_str| 4.162% | -0.674% | +11.814% | +9.108% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | sympy_sum| 6.240% | +0.335% | +10.708% | +9.106% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | telco| 5.917% | +0.383% | +19.169% | +12.553% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | tornado_http| 1.010% | +0.086% | +6.121% | +6.395% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | unpack_sequence| 1.773% | +0.167% | +1.705% | +0.426% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | unpickle| 5.614% | +1.505% | +9.395% | +20.774% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | unpickle_list| 5.356% | -0.049% | -6.843% | +18.757% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | unpickle_pure_python| 1.450% | -0.255% | +7.954% | +6.904% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | xml_etree_generate| 1.302% | -0.390% | +1.857% | +12.728% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | xml_etree_iterparse| 2.484% | -0.391% | +2.550% | +8.039% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | xml_etree_parse| 3.415% | -0.326% | -10.958% | +15.123% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | xml_etree_process| 1.363% | -0.053% | +4.277% | +12.013% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ * Relative Standard Deviation (Standard Deviation/Average) If this is not displayed properly please visit our results page here: Our lab does a nightly source pull and build of the Python project and measures performance changes against the previous stable version and the previous nightly measurement. This is provided as a service to the community so that quality issues with current hardware can be identified quickly. Intel technologies' features and benefits depend on system configuration and may require enabled hardware, software or service activation. Performance varies depending on system configuration.