Results for project python/master, build date: 2017-08-15 03:03:56-07:00. - commit: 7b40cb7 - previous commit: 48d9823 - revision date: 2017-08-15 10:33:43+02:00 - environment: Broadwell-EP - cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2699 v4 @ 2.20GHz 2x22 cores, stepping 1, LLC 55 MB - mem: 128 GB - os: Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS - kernel: 4.4.0-62-generic x86_64 GNU/Linux Baseline results were generated using release v3.6.0, with hash 5c4568a from 2016-12-22 23:38:47+00:00. +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | | |relative|change since|change since|current rev | | | benchmark|std_dev*| last run | baseline |run with PGO| +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | 2to3| 1.080% | +0.017% | +4.227% | +7.609% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | call_method| 1.819% | +0.348% | +21.728% | +9.221% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | call_method_slots| 2.994% | +0.103% | +23.788% | +7.403% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | call_method_unknown| 0.460% | +0.066% | +21.176% | +8.864% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | call_simple| 2.490% | -0.006% | +2.922% | +14.915% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | chameleon| 1.678% | +0.377% | +11.318% | +9.982% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | chaos| 0.605% | +0.124% | +6.211% | +10.217% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | crypto_pyaes| 0.589% | +0.024% | +4.220% | +5.304% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | deltablue| 3.953% | +0.784% | +6.398% | +18.007% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | django_template| 4.777% | -0.182% | +9.177% | +15.018% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | dulwich_log| 1.627% | +0.177% | +4.347% | +5.948% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | fannkuch| 0.476% | +0.525% | +5.044% | +4.796% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | float| 0.784% | -0.117% | +2.878% | +5.773% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | genshi_text| 1.390% | +0.229% | +9.298% | +10.186% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | genshi_xml| 2.336% | +0.674% | +7.954% | +9.708% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | go| 0.803% | +0.146% | +6.356% | +10.503% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | hexiom| 0.566% | +0.080% | +9.109% | +10.293% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | html5lib| 3.421% | -0.592% | +7.907% | +10.017% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | json_dumps| 1.489% | +0.143% | +4.652% | +9.208% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | json_loads| 2.260% | -0.094% | +2.787% | +10.769% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | logging_format| 1.551% | -1.027% | +7.998% | +13.705% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | logging_silent| 3.000% | -0.114% | +47.224% | +10.782% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | logging_simple| 1.756% | -1.194% | +9.170% | +14.302% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | mako| 0.466% | +0.127% | +18.735% | +9.984% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | mdp| 6.710% | +0.247% | +5.601% | +14.166% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | meteor_contest| 2.840% | -0.741% | +3.942% | +4.238% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | nbody| 0.478% | +0.000% | -1.898% | +2.485% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | nqueens| 2.348% | +0.338% | +2.145% | +7.011% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | pathlib| 1.158% | +1.151% | +5.761% | +8.723% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | pickle| 3.132% | +0.089% | +0.936% | +23.323% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | pickle_dict| 0.519% | +0.053% | +2.546% | +18.843% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | pickle_list| 0.857% | -0.318% | +4.915% | +19.350% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | pickle_pure_python| 3.532% | -0.119% | +12.064% | +7.839% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | pidigits| 0.039% | +0.030% | +0.331% | +9.964% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | python_startup| 0.132% | -0.082% | +8.927% | +4.508% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | python_startup_no_site| 0.096% | -0.067% | +0.985% | +4.450% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | raytrace| 0.802% | +0.001% | +9.335% | +12.254% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | regex_compile| 5.527% | -0.816% | -10.940% | +13.360% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | regex_dna| 0.533% | +0.016% | +1.451% | +8.785% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | regex_effbot| 1.362% | +0.301% | +1.123% | +1.890% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | regex_v8| 1.385% | -0.121% | +11.228% | +4.807% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | richards| 2.023% | -0.459% | +7.643% | +13.633% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | scimark_fft| 2.405% | -0.464% | +0.436% | +3.072% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | scimark_lu| 1.138% | +0.292% | +27.297% | +7.326% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | scimark_monte_carlo| 1.812% | -0.134% | +3.083% | +5.980% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | scimark_sor| 1.024% | -0.056% | +13.140% | +8.178% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | scimark_sparse_mat_mult| 2.611% | +0.135% | -0.634% | -2.978% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | spectral_norm| 1.620% | -0.181% | +5.551% | +2.419% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | sqlalchemy_declarative| 1.268% | -0.034% | +5.381% | +8.543% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | sqlalchemy_imperative| 2.853% | -0.174% | +5.851% | +4.716% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | sqlite_synth| 3.642% | +1.167% | +4.205% | +8.594% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | sympy_expand| 2.095% | +0.394% | +12.750% | +8.129% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | sympy_integrate| 1.435% | +0.096% | +10.463% | +6.537% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | sympy_str| 3.814% | +0.443% | +12.396% | +9.361% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | sympy_sum| 4.384% | +0.044% | +13.669% | +10.254% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | telco| 6.139% | +0.396% | +23.783% | +9.925% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | tornado_http| 1.318% | -0.139% | +5.834% | +7.080% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | unpack_sequence| 1.419% | -0.093% | +0.535% | +0.823% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | unpickle|10.280% | -1.642% | +6.300% | +21.727% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | unpickle_list| 2.182% | -0.341% | -3.789% | +19.764% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | unpickle_pure_python| 2.418% | -0.484% | +6.755% | +7.029% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | xml_etree_generate| 1.349% | -0.168% | +5.612% | +8.364% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | xml_etree_iterparse| 2.089% | -0.237% | +2.223% | +6.577% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | xml_etree_parse| 1.010% | +0.029% | -5.264% | +9.799% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ | :-| | xml_etree_process| 1.488% | -0.187% | +6.345% | +8.075% | +-----+------------------------+--------+------------+------------+------------+ * Relative Standard Deviation (Standard Deviation/Average) If this is not displayed properly please visit our results page here: Our lab does a nightly source pull and build of the Python project and measures performance changes against the previous stable version and the previous nightly measurement. This is provided as a service to the community so that quality issues with current hardware can be identified quickly. Intel technologies' features and benefits depend on system configuration and may require enabled hardware, software or service activation. Performance varies depending on system configuration.