On 02.08.2018 03:24, Eric V. Smith wrote:
> On 8/1/2018 8:32 PM, Mariatta Wijaya wrote:
>> I think it would also be a good idea to include core developers
>> of other Python implementations in such a document, in
>> separate sections, e.g. for Jython, IronPython, PyPy,
>> Stackless, etc
>> Hmm, I don't think it is should be our (CPython) responsibility to
>> keep track and maintain the list of the core devs of alternate Python
>> implementations. Don't they have their own community / website? They
>> have their own repo, bug tracker, governance model, and everything,
>> right?
> Agreed. We have a hard enough time keeping track of our own core
> developers.
I don't really think we have a hard time doing this. The only
problem is that we never sat down and actually properly recorded
this in one place.
Other projects will, of course, have their own websites, but since
Python is more than just CPython, it would be great to include those
other developers in an official list as well. It would be up for
for the other teams to maintain their lists.
That said, this part is lower priority than the CPython core
developer listing.
> For our core devs, can't we just say that the CPython core devs are
> those with commit bits on the CPython repo? I realize that will
> eliminate some people who have been core developers and never moved to
> github, but if they bring it to our attention, we can add them easily
> enough.
As discussed before, being a core developer is a status you
gain and never lose. There is a clear difference between have
commit rights to the (current) repo and this status.
What I am after, is a list of core developers, not a list of
people with their keys on github (or where ever we move in the
future), since this list is not about a technical status, but rather
a social one.
Then the issue I created which Mariatta linked to I think covers this desire to have a historical record of people who have been core developers along with when they have had commit privileges.