On Wed, 1 Aug 2018 at 17:58 Yury Selivanov <yselivanov.ml@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 8:29 PM Mariatta Wijaya
<mariatta.wijaya@gmail.com> wrote:
> Please don't misunderstand my wanting to set up a deadlines and process as wanting to rush things.

Absolutely, I understand, I didn't want to imply that "[name] is
rushing the process". Sorry if I sounded this way. I do have an
impression, though, that a large population of core devs is OK with
deadlines and the other sizable population doesn't understand why we
need a strict schedule right now.

For me I want to start laying out goals (or at least an initial goal) because I don't want to procrastinate because this happens to be a hard problem. I don't think any dates have to quite be all-or-nothing, but I can also see this dragging on if we don't start to guiding ourselves towards some resolution at some point.

I'll also mention that I'm looking to keep this moving this forward because unlike Yury's experience as EuroPython, people have been asking me when this is going to be resolved, not that we are moving too fast.

> I'm open to extend the dates, and even wait another year if we need to.
> Or do folks want to come up with a completely different process than what I've proposed?
> In the end, I just want to know whether we will come to decision before 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, .. ?

IMHO we should tweak the proposal to include just *one date for now*:
we want everybody interested to post their proposals by October 1st
(we can shift it + 2 weeks if people are on vacations right now).

I was actually going to email suggesting this but Mariatta beat me to the subject. :)

For me, I think aiming for October 1st to get the initial proposals in is a good goal.

If it looks like people need some more time then that's fine and they can ask for it and we can all agree to extend it, but we first need to (a) get to October 1, and (b) people actually end up needing more time :) . As of right now no one has concretely said that October 1 won't work for them (it's actually October 1 specifically because Victor asked for that date so he could make a proposal due to his vacation in August). So for me, going forward with the goal of October 1 for people proposing governance models seems reasonable and we can re-assess as we get closer to that date.

The discussion will inevitably start as soon as we have a couple
proposals on the table.  Some proposals will be withdrawn, some will
require tweaks, people also might come up with new proposals.  We can
then decide what our next steps (and deadlines!) considering what will
be the outcome of these first debates.
