Alexander's changesets are part of that, since he didn't precise where
For the benefit of people who are not native-English speakers and who wish to write literate English: The English word 'precise' is only an adjective, and not a verb, so the above does not work as an English sentence.
This mistake, which I have seen before, has an understandable reason. 'Precise' is derived (borrowed) from the French "pre'cis" which is at least a verb and noun. "Pre'cis" comes from the Latin 'praecisus' and 'praecidere'. Spanish has the same verb in the form 'precisar'. So native Romance speakers have a tendency to over-generalize the usage of this restricted English cognate. English speakers learning other languages so the same sort of thing. The closest English verbs to "pre'cis" are 'abstract', 'summarize', and 'specify'.