On Mar 10, 2017, at 2:13 PM, Brett Cannon <brett@python.org> wrote:
I wanted to get initial feedback on things we can easily tweak:
Overall, the new workflow is mostly positive. The tooling looks great and it seems to have increased the number of participants.
There is a disconnect between discussions on the tracker and discussions on the bug tracker. It would be nice if discussions could be better synchronized.
There does seem to be some confusion on when it is okay to commit. At least one core dev is of the opinion that if tests are passing it is okay for him to approve and commit regardless of area of expertise, status of the tracker item, or approval of the module maintainer. IMO, having the tests pass is a pretty low bar and seems to bypass consideration of whether the change is the right thing to do.
For me personally, I've not yet had time to read through all the new processes, the new devguide,and to get my git/github skills up-to-date, so I've been completely left behind (not a single patch or build since the migration). I'm hoping that I can get caught up over some upcoming weekend, but the migration did create a whole new set of challenges that I've never had in the last 16 years of core development. For the time being, I'm mostly helpless and can only comment here are there on various issues.
For people who have more time on their hands or who were already familiar which all the tooling, the migration seems to have been much easier.