[this is being emailed out to python-committer and python-dev separately, so apologies for those who get a duplicate email]

The steering council wanted to let everyone know that the PSF released a new Code of Conduct which was announced at https://pyfound.blogspot.com/2019/09/the-python-software-foundation-has_24.html and that it applies to Python's development.

Specifically, this new Code of Conduct lists Python's development spaces and those participating in those spaces as being under the CoC (we were implicitly under the old CoC on PSF-sponsored and run infrastructure, but now it's explicitly called out). So that means python-committers, python-dev, python-ideas, everything on GitHub, discuss.python.org, core dev sprints, PSF-sponsored conferences, etc. all fall under this CoC. The steering council wanted to make sure people were aware of this new Code of Conduct so no one was caught off-guard and to make sure people were aware that it did apply to all of us. The steering council also supports this Code of Conduct.

One other thing the steering council wanted to point out is that we believe CoC violations should be reported directly to the Conduct WG as outlined at https://www.python.org/psf/conduct/reporting/. The thinking is that since we all know each other on the development team there's a good chance of a conflict of interest if reports were to go to the steering council, and so it's simpler to just advise people go straight to the Conduct WG (Carol and I will recuse ourselves as appropriate since we are both on the Conduct WG).

I will also say that people have come to me personally in the past and asked if something was a CoC violation, and going forward my answer will be "report it to the Conduct WG and let them make that decision". Same goes for incidents where people believe something is a CoC violation and they want to report it to someone: let the Conduct WG know (which I have already started telling people who come to me with CoC concerns).