Hi,I tried to merge a pull request on my phone, but I got the error:"Pull requests that have a failing status can’t be merged on a phone."The GitHub PEP announced that it will be possible to merge a change from the beach. Well, it's doable but only if you bring a laptop, not a phone :-)All tests pass except Codecov which is unstable. On a computer, I can merge such PR.What is the status of Codecov? Is someone actively working on fixing it to make it more reliable. I dislike code coverage in general, even more when it's run in a CI.Can we change the merge policy to allow merge on a phone? Or can we fix Codecov?Note: the PR isCodecov says "10% of diff hit (target: 100%)". The newly added code is tested on Windows on release build. Maybe Codecov only tests on Windows?I dislike code coverage because there is a temptation to write artficial tests whereas the code is tested indirectly or the code is not important enough to *require* tests.Victor