Great idea. Definitely, +1.On Mon, Feb 5, 2018 at 6:07 AM, Mariatta Wijaya <> wrote:______________________________Hi,I will have some time in the next couple weeks to work on miss-islington.I'm thinking to work on this issue: The idea is to have miss-islington automatically merge the backport PR, after all CI passed and after a core dev approved the PR. I think this will save us a lot of button clicks and time.Just wanted to check if everyone is pretty much +1 on this, before I start writing the code.Some notes and implicationss:- The expectation is that the commit message has already been cleaned up on the master branch- It already knows how to replace the # to GH- in the commit message- miss-islington will need write access to CPython- git log it will show miss-islington (bot) as the committer- If you still want to do the merge yourself, then just don't approve miss-islington's PR.What does everyone here think about all that?Thanks.Mariatta Wijaya_________________
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