For CPython, I’ve been present on IRC and Zulip and Slack and Discord (and would prefer them in the reverse of that order).
I’ve used Gitter for CherryPy and Setuptools and Xonsh, but found the interface kinda meh compared to Slack and Discord.
Would be delighted if there was a preferred platform for chat and that platform be documented (and allowed to change as solutions and the community evolves).
On 14 May, 2021, at 14:07, Brett Cannon <brett@python.org<mailto:brett@python.org>> wrote:
On Fri, May 14, 2021 at 6:48 AM Senthil Kumaran <senthil@python.org<mailto:senthil@python.org>> wrote: On Fri, May 14, 2021 at 09:36:52AM +0200, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
#python-dev on IRC has been wildly successful until perhaps 2015. Personally, I would have no problem using IRC if wanted to connect to a chat for CPython at all.
I know, it was useful, and #python is still. The bot, github, buildbot made it more alerts only. Looks like Victor and few others still use it.
Similarly, I would have no problem using Zulip. I would even say that Zulip is by far the best chat system I've ever used, and the alternatives don't come near. Its threading system is really superior to everything else.
With Zulip, I find it hard to understand, why I need two namespaces (for lack of better term) before I start writing my text in Zulip chat.
#topic->subtopic [content]
I have not been a part of the community that uses Zulip effectively, so I haven't learnt it well.
The idea that if people don't use IRC and Zulip, then we should try another chat system, sounds like magical thought. What kind of properties do Slack, Gitter or Discord have that Zulip doesn't? They are actually quite annoying in my experience.
Some have community advantage. K8s, Golang people are on Slack. Multiple Companies are on Slack, technical barrier is very low. Similar is the case with Discord.
Yeah, I don't know if the Python community as a whole has totally settled on a platform.
Community usage, and usability _perhaps_ go hand in hand. General numbers could support for this.
That said. If we (a quorum) feel comfortable using anything like IRC, Zulip, I agree, we don't need another one.
You could launch a poll on discuss.python.org<http://discuss.python.org/> and see if there's a clear winner.
-- Senthil
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