On Feb 04, 2011, at 04:35 PM, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
Tarek Ziadé wrote:
You are building a patch and submit it to reviews (in roundup or in a clone or retvield etc). You get feedback and you refine the patch.
I don't think you want to keep that history, e.g. "changing this and that in my patch after feedback from MrX about Y"
The main line history is what counts imo, not the history of how your patch was built, refactored etc. before it got merged.
I guess this is just a Mercurial quirk I'll have to get used to. It's not something I ever bother with in Bazaar because, while those intermediate commits are still part of the merged branch's history, it's generally hidden from you when you dump the log or bisect, unless you specifically request to see them.
I wholeheartedly agree with the suggestion that we need a best practices guide before the migration is operational, even if it changes over time. Let's get everyone starting on the same page.