Confirming that ballots have been sent and voting is open.
Voting will close at 12:00 UTC on December 16th.
If you have any issues with your ballot please email psf-elections@python.org
On November 30, 2020 at 1:39:06 PM, Ernest W. Durbin III (ernest@python.org) wrote:
The voter roll for the 2020 Steering Council Election (2021 term) has been established. Please see the output from the tooling at https://github.com/python/voters/pull/33 and the resulting change to PEP 8102 at https://github.com/python/peps/pull/1723.
The election will be opened at 12:00 UTC December 1st, 2020 and will end 12:00 UTC December 16th, 2020 (December 15th AoE).
Ballots will be delivered via the Helios voting system from system@heliosvoting.org with the subject “Vote: 2021 Python Steering Council Election"
All core devs should review https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-8102/#active-python-core-developers and https://github.com/python/voters/blob/master/voter-files/2020-12-01-python-s... to ensure that you're listed (if you expect to be) and that your information is correct (specifically the email address).
The voter list has been updated since the last election so we want to make sure all the correct voters are captured before voting begins.
If there are discrepancies in the voter list, please contact psf-elections@python.org.
On behalf of myself, Joe Carey, and Ewa Jodlowska,
-Ernest W. Durbin III Director of Infrastructure Python Software Foundation