On Fri, 31 Mar 2017 at 12:37 Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com> wrote:
2017-03-31 20:30 GMT+02:00 Antoine Pitrou <antoine@python.org>:
Just a heads up that the following PR: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/552/files has generated a lot of spurious PR additions on bugs.python.org, probably because that PR references a lot of issues (example: https://bugs.python.org/issue23839).
Perhaps it would be nice to have an upper limit on the number of notified issues when the PR mentions several of them?
(I'm sure someone more active than me, such as Victor or Serhiy, got *a lot* of notifications from that PR :-))
Hello, I got 110 emails, something goes wrong? :-)
No, it's a side-effect of having Misc/NEWS pasted as a comment into a PR and the Roundup webhook thinking the issues were comments that warranted connecting the PR with the issue. Either we (a) don't worry about it as people typically don't paste Misc/NEWS into a comment, (b) cap the number of possible issues in a single webhook event, or (c) don't pick up issue numbers from comments and only do it from PR titles.