On 6/24/2017 11:05 AM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
This is a bit of a futile question, but I realize I'm nowhere to be seen in https://github.com/python/cpython/graphs/contributors
Is there some map file somewhere that I must update to match my commit e-mail to my GitHub account?
All I did was to a) create a github account and b) add the GitHub Name to my bpo profile page. You appear to have done the same. Brett Cannon 'added' coredevs to github.com/python, and you appear to have been included since you have already made github commits. I use the same email for both github and bpo. I can't see if your github email is the same as your primary bpo email and I don't know if that makes any difference.
Brett Cannon is the most likely one to help you any further.