On 03/08/2010 16:23, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
Le mardi 03 août 2010 à 11:15 -0400, Fred Drake a écrit :
On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 10:33 AM, Tarek Ziadé <ziade.tarek@gmail.com> wrote:
So if everyone agrees Eric gets commit access, and works with me on
Distutils, and I stay the official maintainer
Let me point out something fishy: “Fred Drake” is almost an anagram of
“Tarek Ziadé”.


Antoine Pitrou however, is an anagram of:

    Urinate Option
    Unto a pointier
    Auntie Iron Pot
    No Petunia Riot
    I Pure Notation
    Untie piano rot

Actually your name has to be one of the most annagramable names I have ever seen.


(oh, and +1)




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