Nevertheless, I probably won't vote - I object to public ballots on principle. That's been raised by others, so I won't repeat the arguments, and I appear to be very much in a minority here.
[Eric Snow <ericsnowcurrently@gmail.com>]
Would it help if we only published who voted, and kept their votes private? Publishing the actual votes probably doesn't make a big difference here, relative to the broader Python/tech community.
That would probably be enough to convince me to vote, but I don't want to hold things up either. If I'm the only one, why bother? It's not like my vote will change the result ;-)
BTW, the years I was on the PSF Board, I always wanted everyone to know how we voted on everything. But I was elected to that position, so was voting as a representative of those who elected me.
But nobody has any more business knowing how I vote on a PEP than, say, how I vote for the local mayor. That's between me and my conscience. Your vote is between you and yours, and I want actively _not_ to be able to see how others voted.
Although I'm all in favor of making the PEP ballots public, if stripped of personally identifying info.