Press releases can lag behind, but I hope that this time the Windows and OSX installers will be released together with the main tarball.
I agree, but I have not heard from Ronald or Martin about that yet.
That's because you didn't ask, I guess.
Ronald, are you still planning on building the OS X installer? I believe we also want Sean to build the RPMs.
Here's what might work: I will build the source tarball as normal, uploading everything to dinsdale. I'll fiddle the web site locally but not commit the changes, so they won't become public yet. I'll send a message here when everything's ready and then if we hear from Ronald and Martin, they can build the binaries. As long as it's October 1st somewhere in the world, we won't be lying. :)
If I don't hear from them though, I will push the big red button just before midnight my time (US/Eastern, UTC-0400). We'll have to back-load the binaries tomorrow.
I certainly won't be able to produce binaries before 8:00 UTC, October 2. I'll be asleep for the coming hours, then commute, etc.
I must admit that I'm fairly unhappy how coordination with other people works when creating releases. Anthony Baxter did a better job. This started by asking whether the people involved have actually time to work on the release, at the day in question.
Regards, Martin