[Victor Stinner <vstinner@redhat.com>, asking lots of good questions]
... I see that the PEP 8001 is still being updated (voting method). Should we still expect new changes before the vote starts?
I don't detect any groundswell of opposition anymore now that the voting method changed.
Nevertheless, I probably won't vote - I object to public ballots on principle. That's been raised by others, so I won't repeat the arguments, and I appear to be very much in a minority here.
Can we set a deadline, like November 15 (Anywhere-on-Earth)?
Good idea!
... Which tool can be used to compute the vote result? Parse the text files in the Git repository and implement the Condorcet method.
"Pure Condorcet" is close to trivial to tally: there is a Condorcet winner, or there isn't. I wouldn't even bother to write code to figure it out. For example, write a simple script to convert each ballot to a single line for the following web page, paste the ballots into the text box, and click the "Calculate all winners" button:
The result page will tell you whether or not a Condorcet winner exists. As a bonus, it will also tell you who the winner would be under 15 different ranked-ballot scoring methods. Which may be handy to know in the unlikely case there isn't a Condorcet winner. For example, if "Schulze" and "Hare" (which was called "IRV" in the previous PEP iteration) both pick the same winner then, I bet most people would say "ah, good enough".