Zitat von Petri Lehtinen <petri@digip.org>:
Georg Brandl wrote:
From the release of rc1, I will keep the code that will become 3.3 in a separate repo, so that commits to "default" on cpython *won't* go into 3.3. You will have to notify me of all commits that you think *should* go there, so that I can cherry-pick them. Not all bugfixes fall into that category; only showstopper-level ones. The rest will have to wait for 3.3.1.
If commits to default go to 3.3.1 after RC 1, when will the 3.3/3.4 separation happen?
As soon as Georg creates the maintenance branch :-)
PEP 101 says that this happens immediately after creating the 3.3.0 tag, before pushing that to the release clone. After the release announcement is sent, the release clone gets merged back to the main repo.
People interested in that should really read PEP 101. I think it's a master-piece of detail (going back to Barry Warsaw's passion for detail and documentation).
Regards, Martin