On Mon, 2 May 2016 at 13:00 Tim Peters <tim.peters@gmail.com> wrote:
[Alex Martelli]
I still see a 404 at https://github.com/orgs/python/teams/python-core .
Apparently team membership is available only to other team members, so if you have not been added to the team -- as is your case, Alex, as you didn't put a GitHub username on bugs.python.org -- or you have not accepted
[Brett] the
invite the link won't work for you.
[Alex Martelli]
My GitHub Name, aleaxit, is at http://bugs.python.org/user16700 and has been ever since April 4. Not sure why you think it isn't?
I'm working with Alex directly off-list (it turns out he has two accounts on bugs.python.org).
I also get a 404, and my GitHub name (tim-one) was added some weeks ago too:
I suspect something isn't working as expected ;-)
BTW, I'm unclear on what "you have the accepted the invite" might mean. I don't recall receiving a plausibly relevant invitation, so perhaps that's my problem here.
You should have received an invite from GitHub to join the Python core team today. Once you accept that invitation then you will be able to see the team.