How does Discourse "work better", exactly?
Several examples have already been given. You're determined to hate it, and that's fine.
That's an idiotic statement and an unwarranted personal attack.
It wasn't intended that way, but I can certainly see how it comes off that way. My apologies!
If that's all you're taking from this discussion
Well, you cut off 99% of what I wrote, which sincerely attempted to give reasons backed up by examples. So:
then we might just end it here
(especially as you previously mentioned you would stop posting, a promise which apparently you weren't able to keep).
I offered to let you have the last word. But you took the opportunity to ask at least two questions. That left me with a dilemma: leave your questions unanswered and risk leaving the impression that I thought you weren't worth engaging with at all - or try to answer them and leave myself open to a charge of hypocrisy? I made my choice: I'd rather people believe I'm a hypocrite than that I believe you're not worth talking with.
Which I don't regret. I do regret characterizing your record of having nothing positive to say about Discourse as that "you're determined to hate it". That was rhetorical excess, neither necessary nor helpful, despite that it wasn't intended to be taken literally.