And if a type pointer is the only thing being visited, then there's no point unless the object can itself be reachable from the type object.
But that could happen easily for heap types as they are mutable by default. For instance, you set the instance in a global:
type -> module -> globals -> instance -> type
Sorry, but this is apparently a rat's nest and that's too sketchy for me ;-)
Can you flesh this out for what stumbled into being my running example? That is, how could a regexp pattern object be part of a cycle?
import re p = re.compile("ab*c") type(p) <class 're.Pattern'> type(p).__module__ 're' type(type(p).__module__) <class 'str'>
That is, its __module__ attribute is a string, not a module object.
And, in general, I can't add attributes to p, or change their bindings:
p.flags 32 p.flags = re Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> AttributeError: readonly attribute p.newattr = re Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> AttributeError: 're.Pattern' object has no attribute 'newattr'
I just don't see a way to trick it into being part of a cycle.
Not denying that safe is better than sorry, though.