This has already been discussed on Discord, but just for the people not on there: Python has won the Ub Iwerks award, which is a fairly prestigious award in the animated movie industry. ( https://annieawards.org/juried-awards/ub-iwerks, see the bottom of https://annieawards.org/nominations in the 'Juried awards' section.) They have a pretty trophy for Guido, who will be giving an acceptance speech, but Christian Heimes asked about some kind of certificate to hang on his wall. It's not normally done for winners of the juried awards, but the Annie Award organisers offered to arrange something especially for us, as long as it's not *too* many certificates. I've already heard from a few people on Discord, but is there anyone else really interested in this? Just let me know (no need to bother the whole list) and I'll see what we can arrange.
-- Thomas Wouters <thomas@python.org>