On Sun, Oct 18, 2020 at 2:21 PM Ethan Furman <ethan@stoneleaf.us> wrote:
On Oct 18, 2020, at 15:45, Carol Willing <willingc@gmail.com> wrote:
We've largely moved away from Travis for Jupyter testing in favor of Azure pipelines and CircleCI as Travis was becoming increasingly slow and timing out.
Along those lines, if we are basically going to ignore the Travis CI results, perhaps we should consider being "good citizens" and stop running
On 10/18/20 1:18 PM, Ned Deily wrote: them all together. Each PR change triggers multiple builds to run under Travis and all that extra and useless work contributes to the load on Travis and no doubt is not good for overall Travis responsiveness.
If we have something else set up to takes its place that's fine; otherwise, let's leave it up with the understanding that we have to check it manually for success or failure -- that's still valuable information.
Unfortunately, the "valuable information" lately has been whether Travis is even working. 😉
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