24.03.19 18:19, Serhiy Storchaka пише:
Opened an anonymous vote on https://discuss.python.org/t/vote-to-promote-stefan-behnel-as-a-core-developer/1054 . But if you have concerns or objections, it is better to express them publicly or in private to me.

The results of the voting:

* 30 votes for promote.

* 3 votes for not promote.

So the majority of core developers supports promoting. But votes against should not be ignored.

The main concern is that with such low rate we do not need to grant him the permission rights to merge. The answer is that we need a maintainer for the xml.etree package, and Stefan is already an expert of it. It need the core developer status to be an official maintainer.

Maybe this answer convinced those who voted against. If you have other concerns, please tell me privately or in public, so that we will know what should be changed to make Stefan satisfying the requirements of a code developer.

In any case the vote just gives some information for the Steering Council. Its result does not oblige to certain decisions.