Farewell, for now :)
Hi all,
Last week, I started a new thread on discuss.python.org <https://discuss.python.org/t/farewell-for-now/8918?u=aeros> about my intention to take a further extended break from open source to continue my mental health healing process. Just wanted to announce it in the other channels as well since I know that not everyone has the bandwidth to keep up with more than just the MLs.
In the thread, I discussed my intention to pursue the path of becoming a Buddhist monk for some time, and recently detailed my adventures at a local Thai temple. Check it out if you are interested. :)
With Loving Regards,
--Kyle R. Stanley, Python Core Developer (what is a core dev? <https://devguide.python.org/coredev/>) *Pronouns: they/them **(why is my pronoun here?* <http://feministing.com/2015/02/03/how-using-they-as-a-singular-pronoun-can-c...> )
participants (1)
Kyle Stanley