Hello all,
(Copied to python-committers in case I miss anyone.)
I'm doing some more planning on the EuroPython language summit and you are invited but haven't yet told me if you can come or not. Either that or you have told me and I haven't recorded it properly and would appreciate being reminded (my apologies if this is the case). Please reply to this email at your earliest convenience.
Confirmed attendees include Guido, Brett Cannon, myself, Georg Brandl, Amaury Forgeot D'Arc, M.-A. Lemburg, Antonio Cuni, Armin Rigo, Kristjan Jonsson, and Mark Dickinson. It will be a good time and a great opportunity to discuss the development of Python.
The summit itself is in Birmingham UK on Sunday 18th July.
All the best,
Michael Foord
-- http://www.ironpythoninaction.com/ http://www.voidspace.org.uk/blog
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participants (1)
Michael Foord