Core sprint 2017 - Sep 4 - Sep 9, Menlo Park, California

Hello fellow committers! I'm organizing another core sprint this year to make Python 3.7 the best release possible.
- Community. The sprints at the end of PyCon are great but they mostly get the same people in the room year after year. Many of the most active contributors never attend conferences. My goal with this sprint is to bring together many core devs who rarely if ever meet!
- Focus. When we have sprints at the end of a conference, many of us are pretty tired and less productive than we could have been without the late dinners, endless hallway sessions, and so on. Some of the sprinters are preoccupied with tutoring newcomers. This sprint won't be after a major conference, and it's only for seasoned CPython core devs--so get to work!
- Communication. There are tremendous benefits to getting everyone together in one big room. Conversations that drag on on python-dev can be solved quickly in person. Even contentious debates become faster, easier, and more civil. And meeting face-to-face helps us all feel more connected to our community.
WHY THE BAY AREA: We have a large population of core contributors here. Also, I can arrange for Facebook to provide us a "war room" for the whole week, with full access to the campus during the sprints. That includes free food for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, compatible with almost any dietary restrictions.
WHY EARLY SEPTEMBER: It's almost impossible to find a time that doesn't overlap with a PyCon. This week worked well last year so we're redoing it that way. Monday September 4 is Labor Day in the US, which may make it easier for employees of US companies to attend, as they'd only be taking off four days instead of five.
HOW LONG: A full week Monday, Sep 4 to Friday, Sep 8 evening. You can check into your hotel the day before the sprint (Sunday, Sep 3) and check out the day after (Saturday, Sep 9).
HOW BIG: No fewer than 10, no more than 20. More than 20 people would be great but it'd be hard for me to organize a sprint that big.
WHO PAYS: The venue, hotels, and food are provided by Facebook. I'm working on getting flight reimbursements. Last year they were provided by the Python Software Foundation. Anybody is free to waive their reimbursement.
PLEASE REPLY: If you're interested in attending and have the commit bit on GitHub's python/cpython, fill out this Google Form: <>
DISCLAIMER: I'd like to be able to host everybody. However, if I receive more than 20 applications, this is not going to be possible. In this case, the following will happen:
- I will look at your current level of involvement in CPython development. This includes metrics like commits / PRs, activity on the bug tracker and python-dev, special role (release manager, infrastructure dev, etc.).
- I will look at your sprint plan and ability to participate in the entire sprint (per answers to the questions above).
- I will gather all this data and leave the final decision to our Benevolent Dictator (who is also attending the sprint). This is one of those occasions where having a dictator is useful.
DON'T WAIT: September is closer than you think! Please let me know as soon as possible so we can start setting up the event. I'm going to close the sign-up form on June 23rd.
Organizational-ly yours, Ł Vice-Minister of Silly Sprints

Hi, I signed up but haven't heard any news yet. September is approaching, so it would be great to know if you are still deciding/negotiating or if you already know the names :)
Best Regards, Ezio Melotti
On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 1:04 AM, Lukasz Langa <> wrote:
Hello fellow committers! I'm organizing another core sprint this year to make Python 3.7 the best release possible.
- *Community*. The sprints at the end of PyCon are great but they mostly get the same people in the room year after year. Many of the most active contributors never attend conferences. My goal with this sprint is to bring together many core devs who rarely if ever meet!
- *Focus*. When we have sprints at the end of a conference, many of us are pretty tired and less productive than we could have been without the late dinners, endless hallway sessions, and so on. Some of the sprinters are preoccupied with tutoring newcomers. This sprint won't be after a major conference, and it's only for seasoned CPython core devs--so get to work!
- *Communication*. There are tremendous benefits to getting everyone together in one big room. Conversations that drag on on python-dev can be solved quickly in person. Even contentious debates become faster, easier, and more civil. And meeting face-to-face helps us all feel more connected to our community.
*WHY THE BAY AREA*: We have a large population of core contributors here. Also, I can arrange for Facebook to provide us a "war room" for the whole week, with full access to the campus during the sprints. That includes free food for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, compatible with almost any dietary restrictions.
*WHY EARLY SEPTEMBER*: It's almost impossible to find a time that doesn't overlap with a PyCon. This week worked well last year so we're redoing it that way. Monday September 4 is Labor Day in the US, which may make it easier for employees of US companies to attend, as they'd only be taking off four days instead of five.
*HOW LONG*: A full week Monday, Sep 4 to Friday, Sep 8 evening. You can check into your hotel the day before the sprint (Sunday, Sep 3) and check out the day after (Saturday, Sep 9).
*HOW BIG*: No fewer than 10, no more than 20. More than 20 people would be great but it'd be hard for me to organize a sprint that big.
*WHO PAYS*: The venue, hotels, and food are provided by Facebook. I'm working on getting flight reimbursements. Last year they were provided by the Python Software Foundation. Anybody is free to waive their reimbursement.
*PLEASE REPLY*: If you're interested in attending and have the commit bit on GitHub's python/cpython, fill out this Google Form:
*DISCLAIMER*: I'd like to be able to host everybody. However, if I receive more than 20 applications, this is not going to be possible. In this case, the following will happen:
- I will look at your current level of involvement in CPython development. This includes metrics like commits / PRs, activity on the bug tracker and python-dev, special role (release manager, infrastructure dev, etc.).
- I will look at your sprint plan and ability to participate in the entire sprint (per answers to the questions above).
- I will gather all this data and leave the final decision to our Benevolent Dictator (who is also attending the sprint). This is one of those occasions where having a dictator is useful.
*DON'T WAIT*: September is closer than you think! Please let me know as soon as possible so we can start setting up the event. I'm going to close the sign-up form on June 23rd.
Organizational-ly yours, Ł Vice-Minister of Silly Sprints
python-committers mailing list Code of Conduct:

Update: the sprint is on!
Good news: Facebook is covering the venue, food and hotel costs. This is confirmed. I'm working on getting a PSF grant for flights like last year.
Please book your airplane tickets as soon as possible. Like last year, we can reimburse up to $500 for domestic roundtrip flights and up to $1500 for international roundtrip flights. If that’s not enough to get you to California and back, let me know and we’ll figure something out. Send me the receipts my way, you should get your money back before the event, preferably as soon as I get the grant wired. For sums smaller than $500, provide me with a PayPal e-mail. For larger ones, I will need your details to set up a wire transfer. I will use TransferWise for the latter to cut down the wire costs. I recommend flying in on Sunday and flying out on Saturday.
Please DO NOT book hotels, Facebook is covering this, preferably in the same hotel as close to Facebook HQ as possible. NOTE: I cannot confirm your hotel room until I have your flight information.
Full list of confirmed attendance: zware ned-deily ncoghlan warsaw benjaminp tiran ericvsmith 1st1 larryhastings ericsnowcurrently Mariatta ezio-melotti applio nascheme bitdancer gvanrossum gpshead zooba haypo rhettinger
If for any reason you can no longer come, please let me know immediately.
- Ł
On Jun 13, 2017, at 1:04 AM, Lukasz Langa <> wrote:
Hello fellow committers! I'm organizing another core sprint this year to make Python 3.7 the best release possible.
- Community. The sprints at the end of PyCon are great but they mostly get the same people in the room year after year. Many of the most active contributors never attend conferences. My goal with this sprint is to bring together many core devs who rarely if ever meet!
- Focus. When we have sprints at the end of a conference, many of us are pretty tired and less productive than we could have been without the late dinners, endless hallway sessions, and so on. Some of the sprinters are preoccupied with tutoring newcomers. This sprint won't be after a major conference, and it's only for seasoned CPython core devs--so get to work!
- Communication. There are tremendous benefits to getting everyone together in one big room. Conversations that drag on on python-dev can be solved quickly in person. Even contentious debates become faster, easier, and more civil. And meeting face-to-face helps us all feel more connected to our community.
WHY THE BAY AREA: We have a large population of core contributors here. Also, I can arrange for Facebook to provide us a "war room" for the whole week, with full access to the campus during the sprints. That includes free food for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, compatible with almost any dietary restrictions.
WHY EARLY SEPTEMBER: It's almost impossible to find a time that doesn't overlap with a PyCon. This week worked well last year so we're redoing it that way. Monday September 4 is Labor Day in the US, which may make it easier for employees of US companies to attend, as they'd only be taking off four days instead of five.
HOW LONG: A full week Monday, Sep 4 to Friday, Sep 8 evening. You can check into your hotel the day before the sprint (Sunday, Sep 3) and check out the day after (Saturday, Sep 9).
HOW BIG: No fewer than 10, no more than 20. More than 20 people would be great but it'd be hard for me to organize a sprint that big.
WHO PAYS: The venue, hotels, and food are provided by Facebook. I'm working on getting flight reimbursements. Last year they were provided by the Python Software Foundation. Anybody is free to waive their reimbursement.
PLEASE REPLY: If you're interested in attending and have the commit bit on GitHub's python/cpython, fill out this Google Form: <>
DISCLAIMER: I'd like to be able to host everybody. However, if I receive more than 20 applications, this is not going to be possible. In this case, the following will happen:
- I will look at your current level of involvement in CPython development. This includes metrics like commits / PRs, activity on the bug tracker and python-dev, special role (release manager, infrastructure dev, etc.).
- I will look at your sprint plan and ability to participate in the entire sprint (per answers to the questions above).
- I will gather all this data and leave the final decision to our Benevolent Dictator (who is also attending the sprint). This is one of those occasions where having a dictator is useful.
DON'T WAIT: September is closer than you think! Please let me know as soon as possible so we can start setting up the event. I'm going to close the sign-up form on June 23rd.
Organizational-ly yours, Ł Vice-Minister of Silly Sprints
python-committers mailing list Code of Conduct:

On Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 1:55 PM, Łukasz Langa <> wrote:
Update: the sprint is on!
*Good news*: Facebook is covering the venue, food and hotel costs. This is confirmed. I'm working on getting a PSF grant for flights like last year.
Great news, and thanks for organizing the sprint!
*Please book your* *airplane tickets* as soon as possible. Like last year, we can reimburse up to *$500* for domestic roundtrip flights and up to *$1500* for international roundtrip flights. If that’s not enough to get you to California and back, let me know and we’ll figure something out. Send me the receipts my way, you should get your money back before the event, preferably as soon as I get the grant wired. For sums smaller than $500, provide me with a PayPal e-mail. For larger ones, I will need your details to set up a wire transfer. I will use TransferWise for the latter to cut down the wire costs. * I recommend flying in on Sunday and flying out on Saturday.*
Other than the cost, are there any restrictions on the flight? If possible I would like to spend some more time in the US after the sprint. By booking the return flight on a later date the total price of the flight should be similar if not cheaper. Of course I'll take care of the hotel and other expenses -- I don't want to take advantage of the PSF. If that is fine, I can contact you off-list and provide more information.
Both the SFO and SJC airports seem to be close to Menlo Park. Is there any preference on the airport? Does the hotel provide any shuttle service?
*Please DO NOT book hotels*, Facebook is covering this, preferably in the same hotel as close to Facebook HQ as possible. NOTE: I cannot confirm your hotel room until I have your flight information.
*Full list of confirmed attendance:* zware ned-deily ncoghlan warsaw benjaminp tiran ericvsmith 1st1 larryhastings ericsnowcurrently Mariatta ezio-melotti applio nascheme bitdancer gvanrossum gpshead zooba haypo rhettinger
This is quite an impressive list, I'm looking forward meeting you all!
Best Regards, Ezio Melotti
If for any reason you can no longer come, *please let me know immediately* .
- Ł
On Jun 13, 2017, at 1:04 AM, Lukasz Langa <> wrote:
Hello fellow committers! I'm organizing another core sprint this year to make Python 3.7 the best release possible.
- *Community*. The sprints at the end of PyCon are great but they mostly get the same people in the room year after year. Many of the most active contributors never attend conferences. My goal with this sprint is to bring together many core devs who rarely if ever meet!
- *Focus*. When we have sprints at the end of a conference, many of us are pretty tired and less productive than we could have been without the late dinners, endless hallway sessions, and so on. Some of the sprinters are preoccupied with tutoring newcomers. This sprint won't be after a major conference, and it's only for seasoned CPython core devs--so get to work!
- *Communication*. There are tremendous benefits to getting everyone together in one big room. Conversations that drag on on python-dev can be solved quickly in person. Even contentious debates become faster, easier, and more civil. And meeting face-to-face helps us all feel more connected to our community.
*WHY THE BAY AREA*: We have a large population of core contributors here. Also, I can arrange for Facebook to provide us a "war room" for the whole week, with full access to the campus during the sprints. That includes free food for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, compatible with almost any dietary restrictions.
*WHY EARLY SEPTEMBER*: It's almost impossible to find a time that doesn't overlap with a PyCon. This week worked well last year so we're redoing it that way. Monday September 4 is Labor Day in the US, which may make it easier for employees of US companies to attend, as they'd only be taking off four days instead of five.
*HOW LONG*: A full week Monday, Sep 4 to Friday, Sep 8 evening. You can check into your hotel the day before the sprint (Sunday, Sep 3) and check out the day after (Saturday, Sep 9).
*HOW BIG*: No fewer than 10, no more than 20. More than 20 people would be great but it'd be hard for me to organize a sprint that big.
*WHO PAYS*: The venue, hotels, and food are provided by Facebook. I'm working on getting flight reimbursements. Last year they were provided by the Python Software Foundation. Anybody is free to waive their reimbursement.
*PLEASE REPLY*: If you're interested in attending and have the commit bit on GitHub's python/cpython, fill out this Google Form:
*DISCLAIMER*: I'd like to be able to host everybody. However, if I receive more than 20 applications, this is not going to be possible. In this case, the following will happen:
- I will look at your current level of involvement in CPython development. This includes metrics like commits / PRs, activity on the bug tracker and python-dev, special role (release manager, infrastructure dev, etc.).
- I will look at your sprint plan and ability to participate in the entire sprint (per answers to the questions above).
- I will gather all this data and leave the final decision to our Benevolent Dictator (who is also attending the sprint). This is one of those occasions where having a dictator is useful.
*DON'T WAIT*: September is closer than you think! Please let me know as soon as possible so we can start setting up the event. I'm going to close the sign-up form on June 23rd.
Organizational-ly yours, Ł Vice-Minister of Silly Sprints
python-committers mailing list Code of Conduct:
python-committers mailing list Code of Conduct:

On Jul 12, 2017, at 12:00, Ezio Melotti <> wrote:
Both the SFO and SJC airports seem to be close to Menlo Park. Is there any preference on the airport? Does the hotel provide any shuttle service?
Personally, I prefer SJC. It works out great for me because there are reasonably timed direct flights from BWI to SJC, and SJC is a fairly easy airport to navigate. It’s closer to Menlo Park too (though when I come to the area, I go to Sunnyvale). I’m not sure about shuttle service.

On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 5:22 PM, Barry Warsaw <> wrote:
On Jul 12, 2017, at 12:00, Ezio Melotti <> wrote:
Both the SFO and SJC airports seem to be close to Menlo Park. Is there any preference on the airport? Does the hotel provide any shuttle service?
Personally, I prefer SJC. It works out great for me because there are reasonably timed direct flights from BWI to SJC, and SJC is a fairly easy airport to navigate. It’s closer to Menlo Park too (though when I come to the area, I go to Sunnyvale). I’m not sure about shuttle service.
Thanks both for the replies. I ended up booking a flight to SFO, since flights to SJC were either not available or too expensive compared to SFO.
I haven't heard anything yet about the hotel bookings and whether or not the hotel offers a shuttle service from/to the airport(s). If not, and if any of you lands in SFO on Sunday afternoon, we could meet up at the airport and share a cab/uber/other.
Also thanks to Victor for setting up the etherpad!
Best Regards, Ezio Melotti
python-committers mailing list Code of Conduct:

Thanks Łukasz for organizing the sprint, and Victor for setting up etherpad. I added my own sprint plan there. I saw that some of you are wanting to chat with me during the sprint. I'll only be at the sprint Monday-Wednesday, so let's plan accordingly and make the most out of it :)
Looking forward to sprint with y'all in a few weeks.
Mariatta Wijaya

I created etherpad to organize the sprint. Feel free to write whatever you want about the sprint there ;-) I started to list project ideas.
2017-07-12 13:55 GMT+02:00 Łukasz Langa <>:
Update: the sprint is on!
*Good news*: Facebook is covering the venue, food and hotel costs. This is confirmed. I'm working on getting a PSF grant for flights like last year.
*Please book your* *airplane tickets* as soon as possible. Like last year, we can reimburse up to *$500* for domestic roundtrip flights and up to *$1500* for international roundtrip flights. If that’s not enough to get you to California and back, let me know and we’ll figure something out. Send me the receipts my way, you should get your money back before the event, preferably as soon as I get the grant wired. For sums smaller than $500, provide me with a PayPal e-mail. For larger ones, I will need your details to set up a wire transfer. I will use TransferWise for the latter to cut down the wire costs. * I recommend flying in on Sunday and flying out on Saturday.*
*Please DO NOT book hotels*, Facebook is covering this, preferably in the same hotel as close to Facebook HQ as possible. NOTE: I cannot confirm your hotel room until I have your flight information.
*Full list of confirmed attendance:* zware ned-deily ncoghlan warsaw benjaminp tiran ericvsmith 1st1 larryhastings ericsnowcurrently Mariatta ezio-melotti applio nascheme bitdancer gvanrossum gpshead zooba haypo rhettinger
If for any reason you can no longer come, *please let me know immediately* .
- Ł
On Jun 13, 2017, at 1:04 AM, Lukasz Langa <> wrote:
Hello fellow committers! I'm organizing another core sprint this year to make Python 3.7 the best release possible.
- *Community*. The sprints at the end of PyCon are great but they mostly get the same people in the room year after year. Many of the most active contributors never attend conferences. My goal with this sprint is to bring together many core devs who rarely if ever meet!
- *Focus*. When we have sprints at the end of a conference, many of us are pretty tired and less productive than we could have been without the late dinners, endless hallway sessions, and so on. Some of the sprinters are preoccupied with tutoring newcomers. This sprint won't be after a major conference, and it's only for seasoned CPython core devs--so get to work!
- *Communication*. There are tremendous benefits to getting everyone together in one big room. Conversations that drag on on python-dev can be solved quickly in person. Even contentious debates become faster, easier, and more civil. And meeting face-to-face helps us all feel more connected to our community.
*WHY THE BAY AREA*: We have a large population of core contributors here. Also, I can arrange for Facebook to provide us a "war room" for the whole week, with full access to the campus during the sprints. That includes free food for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, compatible with almost any dietary restrictions.
*WHY EARLY SEPTEMBER*: It's almost impossible to find a time that doesn't overlap with a PyCon. This week worked well last year so we're redoing it that way. Monday September 4 is Labor Day in the US, which may make it easier for employees of US companies to attend, as they'd only be taking off four days instead of five.
*HOW LONG*: A full week Monday, Sep 4 to Friday, Sep 8 evening. You can check into your hotel the day before the sprint (Sunday, Sep 3) and check out the day after (Saturday, Sep 9).
*HOW BIG*: No fewer than 10, no more than 20. More than 20 people would be great but it'd be hard for me to organize a sprint that big.
*WHO PAYS*: The venue, hotels, and food are provided by Facebook. I'm working on getting flight reimbursements. Last year they were provided by the Python Software Foundation. Anybody is free to waive their reimbursement.
*PLEASE REPLY*: If you're interested in attending and have the commit bit on GitHub's python/cpython, fill out this Google Form:
*DISCLAIMER*: I'd like to be able to host everybody. However, if I receive more than 20 applications, this is not going to be possible. In this case, the following will happen:
- I will look at your current level of involvement in CPython development. This includes metrics like commits / PRs, activity on the bug tracker and python-dev, special role (release manager, infrastructure dev, etc.).
- I will look at your sprint plan and ability to participate in the entire sprint (per answers to the questions above).
- I will gather all this data and leave the final decision to our Benevolent Dictator (who is also attending the sprint). This is one of those occasions where having a dictator is useful.
*DON'T WAIT*: September is closer than you think! Please let me know as soon as possible so we can start setting up the event. I'm going to close the sign-up form on June 23rd.
Organizational-ly yours, Ł Vice-Minister of Silly Sprints
python-committers mailing list Code of Conduct:
python-committers mailing list Code of Conduct:

On 2017-07-12 13:55, Łukasz Langa wrote:
Update: the sprint is on!
*Good news*: Facebook is covering the venue, food and hotel costs. This is confirmed. I'm working on getting a PSF grant for flights like last year.
*Please book your* *airplane tickets* as soon as possible. Like last year, we can reimburse up to *$500* for domestic roundtrip flights and up to *$1500* for international roundtrip flights. If that’s not enough to get you to California and back, let me know and we’ll figure something out. Send me the receipts my way, you should get your money back before the event, preferably as soon as I get the grant wired. For sums smaller than $500, provide me with a PayPal e-mail. For larger ones, I will need your details to set up a wire transfer. I will use TransferWise for the latter to cut down the wire costs. * I recommend flying in on Sunday and flying out on Saturday.*
*Please DO NOT book hotels*, Facebook is covering this, preferably in the same hotel as close to Facebook HQ as possible. NOTE: I cannot confirm your hotel room until I have your flight information.
Hi Łukasz,
do you have any news on the hotel?
Several attendees including me use ESTA to travel into the US. We are required to provide Advanced Passenger Information (API) a couple of days up front. API also include the location of the first accommodation. As far as I remember, I have to provide the name and address of the hotel by the end of the week.
Regards, Christian

We prefer you put the FB address there:
Facebook Inc. 1 Hacker Way Menlo Park CA 94025
On Aug 21, 2017, at 6:28 AM, Christian Heimes <> wrote:
On 2017-07-12 13:55, Łukasz Langa wrote:
Update: the sprint is on!
*Good news*: Facebook is covering the venue, food and hotel costs. This is confirmed. I'm working on getting a PSF grant for flights like last year.
*Please book your* *airplane tickets* as soon as possible. Like last year, we can reimburse up to *$500* for domestic roundtrip flights and up to *$1500* for international roundtrip flights. If that’s not enough to get you to California and back, let me know and we’ll figure something out. Send me the receipts my way, you should get your money back before the event, preferably as soon as I get the grant wired. For sums smaller than $500, provide me with a PayPal e-mail. For larger ones, I will need your details to set up a wire transfer. I will use TransferWise for the latter to cut down the wire costs. * I recommend flying in on Sunday and flying out on Saturday.*
*Please DO NOT book hotels*, Facebook is covering this, preferably in the same hotel as close to Facebook HQ as possible. NOTE: I cannot confirm your hotel room until I have your flight information.
Hi Łukasz,
do you have any news on the hotel?
Several attendees including me use ESTA to travel into the US. We are required to provide Advanced Passenger Information (API) a couple of days up front. API also include the location of the first accommodation. As far as I remember, I have to provide the name and address of the hotel by the end of the week.
Regards, Christian
participants (7)
Barry Warsaw
Christian Heimes
Ezio Melotti
Lukasz Langa
Mariatta Wijaya
Victor Stinner
Łukasz Langa