Reminder: 3.6.0a3 shapshot 2016-07-11 12:00 UTC

The next alpha snapshot for the 3.6 release cycle is coming up in a couple of days. This is the third of four alphas we have planned. Keep that feature code coming in!
As a reminder, alpha releases are intended to make it easier for the wider community to test the current state of new features and bug fixes for an upcoming Python release as a whole and for us to test the release process. During the alpha phase, features may be added, modified, or deleted up until the start of the beta phase. Alpha users beware!
Looking ahead, the last alpha release, 3.6.0a4, will follow next month on 2016-08-15. This is a slight change from the previous schedule. Due to popular request, we're moved the feature code cutoff date, 3.6.0b1, from Wednesday, 09-07, to Monday, 09-12, to allow a bit more time after the end-of-summer holiday. In doing so, it seems to make sense to move the final alpha back a week to give a bit more time there for check-ins.
To recap:
2016-07-11 ~12:00 UTC: code snapshot for 3.6.0 alpha 3
2016-08-15 ~12:00 UTC: code snapshot for 3.6.0 alpha 4. (**CHANGED**, was 08-08)
now to 2016-09-12: Alpha phase (unrestricted feature development)
2016-09-12: 3.6.0 feature code freeze, 3.7.0 feature development begins (**CHANGED**, was 09-07)
2016-09-12 to 2016-12-04: 3.6.0 beta phase (bug and regression fixes, no new features)
2016-12-04 3.6.0 release candidate 1 (3.6.0 code freeze)
2016-12-16 3.6.0 release (3.6.0rc1 plus, if necessary, any dire emergency fixes)
-- Ned Deily -- []
participants (1)
Ned Deily