Re: [python-committers] [Python-Dev] stabilizing for a release
On 07/04/2010 11:30, anatoly techtonik wrote:
There is still a serious regression in zipfile module:
And I would really like to see my issue with difflib tabs committed: =/
The zipfile issue looks like it could be fixed for beta 2. Not so sure about the difflib one.
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On Wed, 07 Apr 2010 12:54:51 +0100, Michael Foord <> wrote:
On 07/04/2010 11:30, anatoly techtonik wrote:
There is still a serious regression in zipfile module:
And I would really like to see my issue with difflib tabs committed: =/
The zipfile issue looks like it could be fixed for beta 2. Not so sure about the difflib one.
As Antoine pointed out, 7585 is actually a bug fix (making difflib follow the unified diff 'standard', as it was originally specified to do). So unless Benjamin objects I plan to commit it after the freeze.
participants (2)
Michael Foord
R. David Murray