Trouble bisecting

I haven't bisected the Python source tree in a long time and it seems our current way of making releases is messing it up.
# Start on tip of branch 3.9 (3.9)$ git bisect start
# 3.9 tip is good (3.9|BISECTING)$ git bisect good
# Switch to release 3.9.1, where the bug wasn't fixed yet (3.9|BISECTING)$ git checkout v3.9.1 [...] ((v3.9.1)|BISECTING)$ LANG=C git bisect bad Some good revs are not ancestors of the bad rev. git bisect cannot work properly in this case. Maybe you mistook good and bad revs?
How can this be worked around? Not being able to bisect a fix or regression is really annoying.

I'm always confused by expressions "good" and "bad". Previously, I added shell comments:
$ git bisect bad # slow $ git bisect good # fast
$ git bisect bad # no leak $ git bisect good # leak
where good = leak is counter-intuitive...
Since it confused too many people (including myself), Git now allows to use a different terms than "good" and "bad" (or "old" and "new"). Example:
git bisect start --term-new=leak --term-bad=ok ...
Then you can type directly:
git bisect leak git bisect ok
See also "git bisect terms" to remind you which terms you picked ;-)
On Sat, Jun 26, 2021 at 5:33 PM Antoine Pitrou <> wrote:
-- Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.
participants (2)
Antoine Pitrou
Victor Stinner