Hallo Ich sollte noch ultradringend eine Schnittstelle in ein ERP System erstellen (ja ich bin viel, viel zu spät dran ...). Jetzt macht mir win32com.client Probleme. Die ERP SW stellt einen COM Server zur Verfügung, auf den ich als Client aus Python zugreifen sollte. Die Instanzierung des COM Objekts geht tip top. Vgl. PythonWin Output: * >>> import win32com.client * >>> o = win32com.client.Dispatch("OLE_VK.VK") Das Aufrufen von Methoden funktioniert: * >>> o.SetClient(7777) * True * >>> o.SetApplicationID(6) * True * >>> o.NewHeader * <bound method IVK.NewHeader of <win32com.gen_py.ABEA Business-Object * Verkauf.IVK instance at 0x19950648>> Da die Properties des Objekts leider als "Methoden" erscheinen (vgl. Unten Ausschnitt aus generiertem Interface), kann ich nun den Properties keine Werte zuweisen. Ich erhalte immer einen Syntax Error ... * >>> o.Table.AsCurrencybyName("DKO","AUF_NR") = 268 * Traceback ( File "<interactive input>", line 1 * SyntaxError: can't assign to function call (<interactive input>, * line 1) Gibt es eine Lösung für dieses Problem? Falls ja, was muss ich sonst noch besonders beachten (Werteübergabe von Typ Integer, String, Currency, Boolean, DateTime, Variant, Double). Tja ich bin nicht wirklich der Python Crack und muss jetzt eingestehen, dass ich mich etwas übernommen habe ... Wenn mir jemand helfen kann, bin ich mega froh ;-) Danke und Gruss Stefan # The method SetAsBooleanbyName is actually a property, but must be used as a method to correctly pass the arguments def SetAsBooleanbyName(self, _tableID=defaultNamedNotOptArg, _fldID=defaultNamedNotOptArg, arg2=defaultUnnamedArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(3, LCID, 4, (24, 0), ((8, 1), (8, 1), (11, 1)),_tableID , _fldID, arg2) # The method SetAsBooleanbyNo is actually a property, but must be used as a method to correctly pass the arguments def SetAsBooleanbyNo(self, _tableID=defaultNamedNotOptArg, _fldID=defaultNamedNotOptArg, arg2=defaultUnnamedArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(13, LCID, 4, (24, 0), ((8, 1), (3, 1), (11, 1)),_tableID , _fldID, arg2) # The method SetAsCurrencybyName is actually a property, but must be used as a method to correctly pass the arguments def SetAsCurrencybyName(self, _tableID=defaultNamedNotOptArg, _fldID=defaultNamedNotOptArg, arg2=defaultUnnamedArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(4, LCID, 4, (24, 0), ((8, 1), (8, 1), (6, 1)),_tableID , _fldID, arg2) # The method SetAsCurrencybyNo is actually a property, but must be used as a method to correctly pass the arguments def SetAsCurrencybyNo(self, _tableID=defaultNamedNotOptArg, _fldID=defaultNamedNotOptArg, arg2=defaultUnnamedArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(14, LCID, 4, (24, 0), ((8, 1), (3, 1), (6, 1)),_tableID , _fldID, arg2) # The method SetAsDateTimebyName is actually a property, but must be used as a method to correctly pass the arguments def SetAsDateTimebyName(self, _tableID=defaultNamedNotOptArg, _fldID=defaultNamedNotOptArg, arg2=defaultUnnamedArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(19, LCID, 4, (24, 0), ((8, 1), (8, 1), (7, 1)),_tableID , _fldID, arg2) # The method SetAsDateTimebyNo is actually a property, but must be used as a method to correctly pass the arguments def SetAsDateTimebyNo(self, _tableID=defaultNamedNotOptArg, _fldID=defaultNamedNotOptArg, arg2=defaultUnnamedArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(20, LCID, 4, (24, 0), ((8, 1), (3, 1), (7, 1)),_tableID , _fldID, arg2) # The method SetAsDoublebyName is actually a property, but must be used as a method to correctly pass the arguments def SetAsDoublebyName(self, _tableID=defaultNamedNotOptArg, _fldID=defaultNamedNotOptArg, arg2=defaultUnnamedArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(5, LCID, 4, (24, 0), ((8, 1), (8, 1), (5, 1)),_tableID , _fldID, arg2) # The method SetAsDoublebyNo is actually a property, but must be used as a method to correctly pass the arguments def SetAsDoublebyNo(self, _tableID=defaultNamedNotOptArg, _fldID=defaultNamedNotOptArg, arg2=defaultUnnamedArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(15, LCID, 4, (24, 0), ((8, 1), (3, 1), (5, 1)),_tableID , _fldID, arg2) # The method SetAsIntegerbyName is actually a property, but must be used as a method to correctly pass the arguments def SetAsIntegerbyName(self, _tableID=defaultNamedNotOptArg, _fldID=defaultNamedNotOptArg, arg2=defaultUnnamedArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(1, LCID, 4, (24, 0), ((8, 1), (8, 1), (3, 1)),_tableID , _fldID, arg2) # The method SetAsIntegerbyNo is actually a property, but must be used as a method to correctly pass the arguments def SetAsIntegerbyNo(self, _tableID=defaultNamedNotOptArg, _fldID=defaultNamedNotOptArg, arg2=defaultUnnamedArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(11, LCID, 4, (24, 0), ((8, 1), (3, 1), (3, 1)),_tableID , _fldID, arg2) # The method SetAsStringbyName is actually a property, but must be used as a method to correctly pass the arguments def SetAsStringbyName(self, _tableID=defaultNamedNotOptArg, _fldID=defaultNamedNotOptArg, arg2=defaultUnnamedArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(2, LCID, 4, (24, 0), ((8, 1), (8, 1), (8, 1)),_tableID , _fldID, arg2) # The method SetAsStringbyNo is actually a property, but must be used as a method to correctly pass the arguments def SetAsStringbyNo(self, _tableID=defaultNamedNotOptArg, _fldID=defaultNamedNotOptArg, arg2=defaultUnnamedArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(12, LCID, 4, (24, 0), ((8, 1), (3, 1), (8, 1)),_tableID , _fldID, arg2) # The method SetAsVariantbyName is actually a property, but must be used as a method to correctly pass the arguments def SetAsVariantbyName(self, _tableID=defaultNamedNotOptArg, _fldID=defaultNamedNotOptArg, arg2=defaultUnnamedArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(6, LCID, 4, (24, 0), ((8, 1), (8, 1), (12, 1)),_tableID , _fldID, arg2) # The method SetAsVariantbyNo is actually a property, but must be used as a method to correctly pass the arguments def SetAsVariantbyNo(self, _tableID=defaultNamedNotOptArg, _fldID=defaultNamedNotOptArg, arg2=defaultUnnamedArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(16, LCID, 4, (24, 0), ((8, 1), (3, 1), (12, 1)),_tableID , _fldID, arg2) # The method SetTextDetail is actually a property, but must be used as a method to correctly pass the arguments def SetTextDetail(self, _dtxttyp=defaultNamedNotOptArg, arg1=defaultUnnamedArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(10, LCID, 4, (24, 0), ((3, 1), (8, 1)),_dtxttyp , arg1) # The method SetTextHeader is actually a property, but must be used as a method to correctly pass the arguments def SetTextHeader(self, _htxttyp=defaultNamedNotOptArg, _hdoktyp=defaultNamedNotOptArg, arg2=defaultUnnamedArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(9, LCID, 4, (24, 0), ((3, 1), (3, 1), (8, 1)),_htxttyp , _hdoktyp, arg2)