
October 1999

  • 18 participants
  • 16 discussions
Misleading syntax error text
by M.-A. Lemburg Nov. 1, 1999

Nov. 1, 1999
by Gordon McMillan Nov. 1, 1999

Nov. 1, 1999

Oct. 30, 1999

Oct. 19, 1999
forwarded message from Greg Rose
by Barry A. Warsaw Oct. 19, 1999

Oct. 19, 1999
Corporate installations
by Tim Peters Oct. 18, 1999

Oct. 18, 1999
9 13
0 0
Walking up the package hierarchy
by M.-A. Lemburg Oct. 14, 1999

Oct. 14, 1999
new opportunities for obfuscation... ;-)
by Skip Montanaro Oct. 12, 1999

Oct. 12, 1999
string methods branch
by Barry A. Warsaw Oct. 12, 1999

Oct. 12, 1999

Oct. 6, 1999

Oct. 6, 1999
an alternative language for CP4E, perhaps?
by Fredrik Lundh Oct. 6, 1999

Oct. 6, 1999
Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
by M.-A. Lemburg Oct. 4, 1999

Oct. 4, 1999
8 16
0 0
ESR on slashdot
by Mark Hammond Oct. 3, 1999

Oct. 3, 1999

Oct. 3, 1999
getopt helper?
by Mark Hammond Oct. 3, 1999

Oct. 3, 1999
8 15
0 0