
July 2001

  • 88 participants
  • 199 discussions
Ready to merge descr-branch back into the trunk?
by Guido van Rossum July 28, 2001

July 28, 2001
by Paul Prescod July 28, 2001

July 28, 2001
[OT] Expat 1.95.2 released
by Fred L. Drake, Jr. July 27, 2001

July 27, 2001

July 27, 2001
dpython interaction with imaginary types
by Michael McLay July 27, 2001

July 27, 2001

July 27, 2001

July 27, 2001

July 27, 2001
Future division patch available (PEP 238)
by Guido van Rossum July 27, 2001

July 27, 2001