Jeremy Hylton wrote:
Say a startup company decided to put some resources behind the Python Web site -- a full-time Web master, some content developers, etc. What would you have them do? What could be done to open up the site to the community and make it more responsive to developers and users? What's your wish list for content, services, etc.?
If you've got any ideas, please get back to me soon.
Why not turn into a Python portal site with all the jazz that goes with it, e.g. newsletters, browsable news forums for different news aspects (business news, new developments, press references, Python related meetings, etc.), customization of the information layout, email notification when things change, chat forums, a Python knowledge base, etc. etc. The reasoning is that Python is starting to go business and the site should reflect this move. As more companies start producing Python tools, I think it might even be worthwhile considering Python related marketing on the Python site, e.g. small banners, external links, etc. This would help finance the site and its administrators. As far as content goes, I think is hardly beatable :-) What's missing is some more service to push its fun factor which in return pushes Python's acceptance. Anyway, just a thought... -- Marc-Andre Lemburg ______________________________________________________________________ Business: Python Pages: