[Chermside, Michael] #--While I don't object to removing from_float() for now, I #--want to encourage #--us to consider adding it back later -- I think it does have #--some uses. In #--the meantime, people can just convert to strings and back... which is #--easy to explain and to implement, although it probably #--suffers from minor #--rounding problems (I haven't really thought it through). But maybe forcing the user to take in consideration those rounding problems is the best solution to avoid that user to be surprised about the issues of binary floating point conversion to decimal data point. I don't know: regarding user binary floating point usage (and other subjects, :), Tim Peters' word is law for me. . Facundo --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.713 / Virus Database: 469 - Release Date: 30/06/2004