On Tue, Jul 9, 2019 at 5:34 PM Julien Palard via Python-Dev <python-dev@python.org> wrote:
Hi Christian,

> the table with auditing events does not render on docs.python.org,
> https://docs.python.org/3.9/library/audit_events.html. Steve and I are
> going to present the auditing feature tomorrow at EuroPython. It would
> be helpful to have the table available.

This was not an easy one... and it may be a Sphinx issue, yet I'm still not sure, maybe Steve can shed some light on it:

It's the "-j" option of sphinx-build (to parallelize) that causes the issue. I double checked it (full commands at the end of the message in case someone want to reproduce it):

- Run with -j4 → No table
- Run without -j → Table is here
- Run again with -j4 → No table!
- Run again without -j → Table is back!

I can reproduce the same with table not appearing in parallel builds and table is successfully built on non-parallel builds. On adding -j4 to ALLSPHINXOPTS in my Makefile in Docs/ folder there is no table generated. Currently, the audit events are collected in a dictionary and are stored in self.state.document.settings.env that is initialized with empty dict in AuditEvent directive [0].

* On non-parallel builds when I use print statement with hasattr to check for all_audit_events, it's False for first time and then remains True with tuple set for rest of the collection. In process_audit_events for non-parallel builds the attribute is set with a dictionary of all audit events.
* On parallel builds when I use print statement with hasattr to check for all_audit_events, it returns True and False randomly throughout the build. I guess it's due to attribute not being properly initialized. In process_audit_events for parallel builds the all_audit_events attribute is not at all set during table creation and falls back to empty tuple writing no rows to the table.

I am not sure if modifying the env attribute on parallel builds is safe since I couldn't find any guarantees from the sphinx docs. The default docs Makefile is not parallel which could be the reason it was not reproducible locally.

Thanks for fixing this.

[0] https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/73ea54620a6f91c3f2e53880373dd47813691a21/Doc/tools/extensions/pyspecific.py#L187
I'm patching docsbuild-scripts to stop using -j4 with is not really helpfull anyway as docsbuild script is parallelizing by starting multiple sphinx-build (for multiple languages / versions).

I also copied the file and invalidated the cache, so https://docs.python.org/3.9/library/audit_events.html is good again.

If I'm too slow testing locally and releasing a new docsbuild_script.py, the cron MAY break the file again, don't hesitate to poke me if it happen without me noticing first.

Full test:

docsbuild@docs:/srv/docsbuild/3.9/cpython-en/Doc$ /srv/docsbuild/venv/bin/sphinx-build -b html -d build/doctrees -D latex_elements.papersize= -D latex_engine=xelatex -D latex_elements.inputenc= -D latex_elements.fontenc= -j4 -q -Ea -A daily=1 -A switchers=1  . build/html
docsbuild@docs:/srv/docsbuild/3.9/cpython-en/Doc$ grep breakpoint build/html/library/audit_events.html
docsbuild@docs:/srv/docsbuild/3.9/cpython-en/Doc$ /srv/docsbuild/venv/bin/sphinx-build -b html -d build/doctrees -D latex_elements.papersize= -D latex_engine=xelatex -D latex_elements.inputenc= -D latex_elements.fontenc= -q -Ea -A daily=1 -A switchers=1  . build/html
docsbuild@docs:/srv/docsbuild/3.9/cpython-en/Doc$ grep breakpoint build/html/library/audit_events.html
<tr class="row-odd"><td><p>builtins.breakpoint</p></td>
<td><p><code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">breakpointhook</span></code></p></td>
<td><p><a class="reference internal" href="functions.html#breakpoint">[1]</a></p></td>
docsbuild@docs:/srv/docsbuild/3.9/cpython-en/Doc$ /srv/docsbuild/venv/bin/sphinx-build -b html -d build/doctrees -D latex_elements.papersize= -D latex_engine=xelatex -D latex_elements.inputenc= -D latex_elements.fontenc= -j4 -q -Ea -A daily=1 -A switchers=1  . build/html
docsbuild@docs:/srv/docsbuild/3.9/cpython-en/Doc$ grep breakpoint build/html/library/audit_events.html
docsbuild@docs:/srv/docsbuild/3.9/cpython-en/Doc$ /srv/docsbuild/venv/bin/sphinx-build -b html -d build/doctrees -D latex_elements.papersize= -D latex_engine=xelatex -D latex_elements.inputenc= -D latex_elements.fontenc= -q -Ea -A daily=1 -A switchers=1  . build/html
docsbuild@docs:/srv/docsbuild/3.9/cpython-en/Doc$ grep breakpoint build/html/library/audit_events.html
<tr class="row-odd"><td><p>builtins.breakpoint</p></td>
<td><p><code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">breakpointhook</span></code></p></td>
<td><p><a class="reference internal" href="functions.html#breakpoint">[1]</a></p></td>

Julien Palard
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Karthikeyan S