What about characters "\x7b", "\x7d", "\x5c", etc?
What about newlines in single quotes? Currently this works:

This is from the current branch:

>>> f"ble { '\x7b' }"
'ble {'

>>> f"{1 +
...  2}"

>>> f'{1 +
...  2}'

On Mon, 20 Sept 2021 at 13:52, Serhiy Storchaka <storchaka@gmail.com> wrote:
20.09.21 14:18, Pablo Galindo Salgado пише:
> * The parser will likely have "\n" characters and backslashes in
> f-strings expressions, which currently is impossible:

What about characters "\x7b", "\x7d", "\x5c", etc?

What about newlines in single quotes? Currently this works:

f'''{1 +

But this does not:

f'{1 +

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